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Taking a sip of her Coke, Rose mumbled, “Boy, does that sound familiar.”

I shot her a cheeky grin while Lucas smiled.

“Oh, it looks like they aren’t getting along,” Janet stated as Lucas and I both snapped our heads to look back over there.

I huffed. “Ugh. If they aren’t going to get along, why would they have lunch together?”

“Do they work together?” Rose asked.

Lucas cleared his throat. “No. Kristin is a first-grade teacher, and Shawn is a financial advisor.”

“So why do you think they’re together?” Janet asked.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Lucas giving his mother a pleading look.

“Hollie, I showed Janet the drawings you left for your idea for the Christmas-themed bridal shower.”

“Yes!” Janet said, excited. “I love them so much, Holly! The square plates with the bow around them to make them look like presents is the cutest thing ever. I love the idea of doing another holiday-themed event since our engagement was based around Halloween! I was wondering if we could add some Christmas music to play in the background?”

I nodded, but my eyes kept drifting over to Shawn and Kristin, who were very much arguing. Lucas pulled out his phone, and it was then that Rose attempted to pull me into another conversation about the bridal shower.

“I can make that change, no problem,” I said as I jotted down some notes in the handy-dandy notebook she carried everywhere with her.

Glancing over to Kristin and Shawn, I saw them with their heads bent together.What in the world is going on with those two?

When the waitress brought our food over, I peeked over to where Kristin and Shawn were once again. Narrowing my eyes as I studied them, I asked Lucas, “What do you think they’re doing? They look like they’re deep in conversation.”

He shrugged. “With those two, who knows?”

Something inside of me said they were both up to something. “I have to know!”

“Wait, Hollie,” Lucas said as he reached for my arm to keep me seated. “Our food just got here.”

“Where are you going, dear?” Rose asked.

Giving both Rose and Janet an apologetic smile, I said, “I’ll be right back. I just have to find out what’s going on with Kristin and Shawn!”

Before Lucas could even stop me, I was marching across the restaurant.


I stood in front of the table where Kristin and Shawn sat, both looking up at me with surprised expressions.

“Hey, guys, what brings the two of you here?” I asked as I eyed them both suspiciously.

“Oh, hey, there, Hollie,” Kristin replied, a wide smile spread across her face. “What brings you here?”

With my brows furrowed, I said, “I asked you first.”

Kristin let out a soft laugh. “Shawn here agreed to help me with my taxes. I had a problem with my CPA last year and have no idea how to make heads or tails out of it. Unfortunately for me, he’s the only guy I know who is good with numbers.”

I looked at Shawn. “You’re helping her with her taxes?”

“Trying to. She’s so freaking hardheaded, she seems to think she knows more about it than I do.”

Kristin shot him a dirty look. “I’m a woman, so I would know more about it than you would.”

He huffed.
