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I folded my arms over my chest. “You know stocks and stuff like that. Do you really think you’re qualified to help her with her taxes?”

Shawn placed his hand over his head and acted as if he was wounded. “I’m really hurt, Hollie. In case you forgot, I have a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance.”

“Overachiever,” Kristin mumbled.

“I heard that, brat.”

Kristin’s mouth dropped open. “Did you really call me a brat?”

“Another B-word popped into my head, but I decided to be nice today.”

I was positive Kristin had steam coming out of her ears. “You arrogant–”

“Oookay, I think this was a bad decision on both of your parts. The two of you are like oil and water, you don’t go together.”

Kristin looked at Shawn and stuck her tongue out.

“Really, Kristin?” I said with a look of disapproval.

Forcing herself to smile, Kristin looked past me. “Go enjoy your lunch, Hollie. Asshat and I will be fine.”

Shawn rolled his eyes as he reached for his drink.

Sighing, I looked at both of them. “I don’t know why you two don’t get along.”

When they exchanged a look, I saw something. Something they both tried to hide, but it slipped through for the briefest of moments. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Go enjoy your lunch, Hollie. I promise we won’t kill one another.”

I looked between the two of them, and when I didn’t say anything and instead only stood there grinning like an idiot, Kristin slowly shook her head. “Whatever it is you think you know, you are so not right on this, Hollie. So you might as well put that thought out of your head and go back to your lunch.”

Shawn stared at her. “What in the hell did you just say?”

Dismissing him with a flick of her hand, Kristin gave me a warning look. “I mean it, Hollie.”

I lifted my hands up. “Fine. Fine. If you say so, but I say I saw what I saw, and it was an eye-opener and something I think we need to talk about later.”

“No, we don’t.”

Shawn pinched the bridge of his nose and slowly exhaled. “I’m going to need a double shot of whiskey and Tylenol when this day is over.”

I walked out of the bathroom and crawled onto the bed. Lucas was looking over some pictures that one of his former college professors sent him of some dig site.

“I still say there is something there between them, Lucas.”

He drew his brows in tight as he studied one of the photos. It was of some giant round rock or something they found in Ireland.

“You didn’t see the way they looked at each other, like they wanted one another but neither one of them would even dare to admit it.”

“Really?” Lucas said as he turned the photo 90 degrees and steadied it.

“Yes! And I know something happened between them in the past. What if they secretly like each other like we did! They’re both fighting it so hard, maybe they need a little…push. You know, like we had.”


“So, you think I should look into it more?”

“If you think so,” he replied holding up another photo of something that looked like a bowl.
