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I watched for something on Kristin’s face when I mentioned Shawn’s name, but it was blank.

“James tried to get into my pants a few weeks back at the holiday party at my father’s law firm.”

“No way!” I said with a giggle. “What happened?”

“I brushed him off, but somehow, I ended up agreeing to go to dinner with this guy, Martin. Wait, is that his name? Yeah, Martin. My father likes him, and I thought maybe it would earn me some brownie points.”

I gave Kristin a sad smile. Her whole life, she had been trying to make her father happy. He always seemed to put her down at any chance he got.

“Okay, so what do we need to do?”

“You want to do the spell with me?” I asked.

“Hell, yes! What did Sarah say? A spell is good with one witch, but a coven of witches makes it stronger.”

I giggled. “Okay, we need to write ‘money’ on the green candle, then write it on this piece of paper. Then under it, write ‘luck for poker night.’”

Kristin nodded as she wrote, and I wrote some things myself.

“Now what?” she asked.

“We place the coins on the top of the paper. Four pennies, one quarter, five dimes.”

Kristin and I laid out the coins.

Picking up the lighter, I took the green candle. “Hold onto it with me, and really put your emotion into it. Sarah said it’s really important.”

Nodding, Kristin said, “Got it.”

“Now, we have to say seven times, ‘Like the trees growing free, luck for Lucas shall be.’”

“Really? Can’t we come up with a cuter rhyme than that?”

Shooting her a warning look, I said, “It’s not a rhyme, it’s a spell!”

“Is that really the spell?” she asked with one brow raised.

“No, but it’s close enough.”

“Fine. Let’s do this.”

As I lit the candle, I nodded for her to speak with me. “Like the trees growing free, luck for Lucas shall be.”

We repeated it seven times. I handed the candle to Kristin and folded the paper toward me, turning and folding it until I couldn’t fold it anymore. I took a green ribbon and held it up.

“Green for money!” I giggled as Kristin laughed.

“I just need to wrap it around this. Every three rotations, we have to say, ‘Money flowing free, prosperity there shall be.’ And we have to think of Lucas as we say it. Ready?”


As I turned the ribbon-wrapped packet, Kristin and I said the chant. I reached for the dragon’s blood smudge stick and waved it in the air.

“What’s with the smudge stick?” Kristin asked.

“Dragon’s blood adds potency to the spells.”

She nodded. “Good to know.”
