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“I don’t think so, I know so!”

She put her wine glass down. “You think he…wants me?”

“For sure. It’s written all over his face. And I get this weird feeling when you two are together. And who knows what that means? I don’t fully understand all these witch powers yet, but I’m thinking it’s a force between you two. You said the sex was good.”

“It was more than good,” she said, dropping back and pulling her legs up under her. “It was hot. It was passionate. It was…sweet.”

“Then let’s do this!” I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the white sage and lavender smudge. “Look! I bought this at Lucy’s today. White sage and lavender are thought to spark passion. They’re an aphrodisiac and also happen to promote a deep relaxation.”

“Wait, do you think we should use that? I mean, I just want him to notice me…. No, I want him to notice me and realize what he lost!”

I chewed on my lip. That wasn’t exactly where I wanted her to go with her thoughts. “You don’t want him again?”

“Sex-wise? Hell, I’d take another go in the sheets with him. Show him what he’s missed out on.”

Studying her face, I knew she was lying. She wanted more than sex.

“Then are you down for doing the spell?”

She drew in a deep breath, held it, then exhaled. “Why the fuck not! I’m halfway to drunk, so what the hell?”

Jumping up, I clapped my hands. “I’ll get it all set up! Here, have another shot and more wine!”

After gathering everything up, I made my way back into the living room. For a moment, I paused as I thought about the night we cast a spell on Lucas. A moment of panic hit me, but I brushed it away.

“I’ve got this,” I said as I pulled the dining room chair into the room. “Okay, sit here and think about Shawn.”

Kristin’s eyes were glossy, and her cheeks were slightly red. “Got it!” she said with a salute.

She sat down in the chair, and I lit the white sage and lavender smudge stick, then moved it around the room.

“That smells good!”

“Shh! Think about Shawn!”

“Right! Shawn. Thinking about him now.”

I moved around the room and said, “Picture you and Shawn together.”


Rolling my eyes, I replied, “However you want!”

She smiled, and I curled my lip as she licked her lips. “Anyway, think about the two of you together. Now, take this red candle.”

Kristin opened her eyes and reached for the red candle. I handed her a knife. “Carve his name in the candle.”

“Okey dokey!”

Two seconds later, Kristin yelped. “I cut myself.”

“Damn it, Kristin!”

She giggled. “Well, we should have done this when I was sober!”

“If I thought you would have, we would have!”

Her brows pulled down. “What?”
