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I took her hand and helped her carve his name.

“Oh, wait, maybe we were supposed to carve your name?”

Kristin started laughing.

“Let’s put your name on the other side! Couldn’t hurt to have both names.”

“No, not at all. What could possibly go wrong?!” she said between a hiccup and a laugh.

“Now we need to inscribe, ‘bring love.’”

“Or hot sex. Let’s put hot sex instead.”

Ignoring her, I held her hand and attempted to carve in “bring love.”

“I still think we should put hot sex.”

I couldn’t help it. I giggled. “Okay! I’ll carve it in!”

Another round of giggles hit Kristin as she reached for her wine and the smudge stick that she started waving all over.

“Put that down and place the candle in the middle of this plate.”

It took Kristin a few times to get the candle in the little holder on the plate, but she finally got it.

“Okay. Now you need to take the cloves, nutmeg, and sugar and mix them in this bowl with intent.”

“Contempt? Why?”

“No, not contempt,intent. Like you intend on having hot passionate sex with Shawn because he’s going to want that!”

“Yes!” Kristin said as she mixed the spices. She wore a deep, concentrated expression, and I nodded.

“Good! Good! Now you have to sprinkle the mixture in a circle around the candle, and you have to say seven times, ‘In your mind, you will see only me. If love is to be, your will shall be free.’”

She scrunched up her face. “That’s a lot to say. Can you write it down so I can read it?”

I handed her the piece of paper. “Can you sprinkle and read at the same time?”

“Hold on…wench. Let me read it a few times. I’m notthatdrunk. I can remember it.”

As I waited for Kristin to learn the spell, I tapped my fingers on my knees.

“Okay. Got it!”

“Great. I’ll hold the bowl for you and the paper if you need to read it.”

She nodded as she reached into the bowl and took some of the spices.

“In your mind, you will see me. If love is to be, your will shall be free.”

I nodded and motioned for her to say it again. She said it five more times, then changed it up on the last one.

“In your mind, you will see me naked and you inside me. If your love is to be, you will set yourself free in me!”

“Gross, Kristin!” I gagged, then shook the paper. “Say it the right way.”

Somehow between her laughing, me giggling, and spices going everywhere, she managed to say the spell.
