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Putting her finger up to her mouth, Sarah motioned for me to walk back over to the table. “She might need your guidance. Do you feel the spell coming to you?”

It was then that I realized I had no use for the paper in my hand because I somehow knew the spell.

Kristin pointed to the table as she instructed Shawn. “Now you’ll want to sprinkle the cinnamon on top of the leaves.”

He did as she asked while she said, “Cinnamon promotes healing and is used in purification rituals.”

“I knew that!” Lucas said, causing everyone to look at him. He held up his hands. “Sorry.”

“As you add the cinnamon, say after me, ‘In the name of the sun, moon, and sky, I invoke the ancient forces.’”

Shawn repeated Kristin’s words, and I looked down at the paper, already knowing the spell she spoke was right.

Kristin went on. “To crush and remove all negative spells and crosses.”

After Shawn repeated the verse, Kristin said the last one. “Break and dissolve, bless and set free. As it is now, so mote it be.”

Shawn repeated her words, and I realized I had been holding my breath the entire time. I slowly exhaled and looked back at Sarah who simply nodded and smiled.

“Now you’ll want to take the two incense stickes and cross them over the dish,” I explained. “Light them. As they burn, they’ll uncross all the negative energies and the spell I put on you. You’re going to have to let the candle and sticks burn completely down. All negative influences and spells will start to disappear, and you should start feeling like yourself again.”

Shawn nodded.

“Um, if the urges, you know, continue, you can repeat this with new candles and incense sticks for seven days,” I added.

“Okay,” Shawn simply said. “Do I need to do anything with the candle and sticks once they burn down?”

Kristin looked at me, and I replied, “You’ll need to bury them all and as you do, you say, ‘thanks.’”

“I say thanks?” Shawn asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

With a nod, I replied, “Yep.”

“How do you feel?” Lucas asked.

Shawn looked around the room. “I mean, I don’t have an uncontrolled urge to hump Kristin like a dog, but I wouldn’t say no if she wanted me to.”

“And that is where I take my leave,” Sarah stated as she turned to head toward the front door.

“Sarah! Wait!” Kristin called out as she got up and walked toward my sister. “I knew the spell. How did I know the spell?”

With a wink, Sarah simply said, “Welcome to the coven.”

“No! No way,” Shawn said. “She’s a witch too?”

Spinning on her heels, Kristin flashed Shawn a shit-eating grin as she tapped her fingers together. “Oh, what to do with this new information…. What to do!”

After ordering pizza for lunch, Lucas and I decided to let Kristin and Shawn have some time together. With the way the two of them kept glancing at each other, I was sure the spell was gone, and I wanted them to have privacy to talk.

“Do you think anything will happen between them?” I asked as Lucas pulled away from Shawn’s house.

“I think they’re both ready to explore that possibility. And I have to say, it was your spell that caused them both to open their eyes and admit their feelings.”

“See? I knew it would all turn out okay.”

Lucas gave me aReally?look.

“Okay, so maybe the first few spells I’ve tried haven’t exactly worked out like I wanted them to, but I’m learning.”
