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“You have experience in the field, you were one of my top students at Harvard, and I think this would be an amazing opportunity for you. We have stumbled upon a four-thousand-year-old Bronze Age burial site. The things we’ve already discovered are unbelievable. And there is so much more, Lucas. Isn’t this what you wanted when you went to school to become an archaeologist?”

“It was, but I’m happy where I am, Dr. Martin. This past fall, we unearthed a small town that was part of Salem. So far, we’ve discovered a tavern and lodge, and a small base of a structure we’re pretty sure was a church from a few of the recovered artifacts.”

Dr. Martin leaned back in his chair and gave me a hard look. “A tavern over a four-thousand-year-old Bronze Age burial site? Lucas, I know you want this. What is holding you back?”

A memory of making love to Hollie this morning popped into my head, and I cleared my throat.

“I see,” he said with a slight grin. “How long?”

“I’ve known her nearly my entire life, been in love with her, I think, for half of that, and it’s been official for two months.”

He nodded and rubbed his chin. “A new love. I can see why you would be hesitant.”

Laughing, I opened my arms and said, “And I have my dream job. I’ve always wanted this job. I can’t walk away from it.”

“You can put in a leave of absence and bring your new love with you. I’m sure she’ll love the UK.”

With a shake of my head, I replied, “I can’t do that. She has a life and a very successful career here in Salem. I would never ask her to give up her dream for me to take a job.”

“A job?” he barked back. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I’m talking about, Lucas. I want you to lead part of the dig. Think of the experience you’ll gain. Do you remember when we were in Egypt? How much you loved getting in there and digging? Do you even do any of the work here? I’m almost positive you are overseeing some students, are you not?”

I moved in my chair some. “There are a few, but I have a very knowledgeable staff, and you’re wrong. I get in there and dig as well.”

He glanced out the window. “In the snow?”

I followed his gaze to see a pretty good snow falling. Hollie would be happy, and the thought made me smile. “No, it’s on hold until spring.”

“Then you have nothing holding you back, Lucas.”

Raising a brow, he waved his hand in front of him. “Women come and go. I’ve been married five times.”

With a humorless laugh, I replied, “I wonder why? You’re never home.”

He shrugged. “I love my work.”

“I do as well, but I love her more.”

Dr. Martin stood. “I want you to think about it, okay? Here is my card. It has my updated cell phone number. I’m leaving right after Christmas.”

“I’ve already got a vacation planned with Hollie.”

He ignored my comment. “There is a first-class ticket that is yours, leaving for Dublin on December 27. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for your career.”

I stood and walked Dr. Martin to the door of my office. Deciding to ignore his last statement, I reached my hand out to shake his. “It was great seeing you again, Dr. Martin. It’s been a long time.”

“It has. Hopefully, I’ll be seeing you soon, Lucas.”

He dropped my hand, put his hat on, and slid his coat on. “By the way, we hardly have to deal with snow in Ireland and won’t have to wait until spring to keep working.” He winked, then turned and headed down the hall, tipping his hat at Shawn who was walking up.

“Who is the old guy, and what was that about?”

I exhaled as I watched Dr. Martin walk away. I couldn’t believe I was actually feeling torn. There was no way I would leave Hollie, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was missing out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Motioning for Shawn to come into my office, I softly shut the door and rounded my desk. I sat down and looked back out the window at the snow steadily coming down.

“Why do you look like someone just kicked your cat?” Shawn asked.

Turning to look at him, I gave a halfhearted laugh. “That was one of my Harvard professors. He works in the field now and is at a fairly new dig site in Ireland.”
