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Aryan crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me. And I glared right back. I was so sick of him and his stupid girlfriend messing with my head.

“Jess, Arshia wouldn’t lie about such a thing,” he began.

“Why not? You expect me to believe something so awful about Deep, but you’re not willing to doubt your girlfriend’s claim even for one minute. Even if I accept that she’s telling the truth - which I don’t - why do you have to assume the worst? Maybe he was having dinner with a close friend. We’re not living in the fourteenth century anymore. It’s perfectly acceptable for men and women to go out together as friends. Tell Arshia to get her mind out of the gutter, and stay the fuck out of my life,” she cried.

He had looked offended on Arshia’s behalf.

“She was just trying to help,” he argued.

“If you say so,” I said, with an eye roll.

“Also, she’s not my girlfriend anymore. We broke up this morning, although we haven’t told anyone yet,” he said, not meeting my eyes.

I ignored my racing heart and tried to tell myself that it had nothing to do with me.

“Oh,” I said, as neutrally as I could.

“Yeah. I don’t think it was meant to be,” he explained.

It felt like a muffin from the breakfast buffet was stuck in my throat. I could barely breathe.

“Why not?” I whispered.

“There’s something missing,” he said, with a shrug.

“What’s that?”

“I can’t explain it,” he said with that wry smile.

I told myself that it was wrong. I was marrying Deep, and Aryan certainly deserved better.

But for once, I wanted to throw caution to the wind, and experience something beautiful. I knew I had no right to it, but I couldn’t help myself. I knew what he meant about something being missing. It was missing between Deep and me, as well.

I leaned forward slowly and held Aryan’s gaze as I pressed my lips firmly against his.

* * *


For the first time in his life, he had acted on an impulse. He couldn’t allow Jessie to go ahead with the roka without telling her what Arshia had told him so gleefully while they were having coffee after their ward rounds that morning.

She had enjoyed the fact that Deep was cheating on Jessie. Aryan had stared at her with distaste and realised that he was well and truly sick of her.

“We should tell her,” she had said, practically rubbing her hands with glee.

“Do you hate her that much?” Aryan had asked.

“What? No! I just feel sorry for her. It’s really sad, since she’s one of the richest girls in the country, and not bad looking per se, even if she is slightly on the fatter side,” she had said, running a hand down her own bony hips with satisfaction.

Aryan slammed his cup on the table and turned to face Arshia.

“Jessie is not fat! She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. Inside and out. And I will tell her what you saw, but only because I don’t want her throwing her life away on a creep who doesn’t deserve her, not because I revel in her pain like you seem to do,” he had said scathingly.

“I didn’t mean that! I only…”

Aryan held up a hand.

“Enough, Arshia. I don’t want to hear one more word from you. I don’t know why you’re so jealous of her, but I’m sick of it.”
