Page 15 of Jade

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“My friends call me Naseer and Prince Naseer. You can do it; I happen to know you’re very smart.”

“I pretend to be smart, see I tricked you.” I tease. “What do you want to do today.”

“I thought we agreed to watch a rom-com.”

“We can watch an action movie. I like things blowing up.”

“Action it is then.”

“Since you are a prince, you have to marry a princess right,” I ask to confirm the reality to myself.

“No, I do not,” he stated matter-of-factly.

“Very funny, I’m sure you missed that part in the decree where it says you must marry a well-bred, prim, and proper princess.”

“I’m quite sure I didn’t miss that, Jade. I can marry anyone I choose.”

“Guess we’ll see if that’s true when you eventually get married. I’ll be watching from the sidelines and smirking when you end up with a princess. I should probably put a hefty wager on it now.”

“What about you? Would you marry a Prince, a possible future king?”

“Nope, I won’t. I don’t think a palace life is for me. I still have college and the life of a single lady ahead of me.” I didn’t even try to think about it.

“So, if a king asks you to please marry him?”

“The answer would beNO.”

“Why may I ask is the reason for a solidNO.”

“I don’t think the life of a queen is for me, college first, then life as a single girl, having lots of happy hour moments that I’ve seen in movies, then getting married and being a mom of three and having my own software company where I can be the boss. Being the wife of a King would not let me work, and I can’t have my own software company.”

“What if you love the hypothetical future king.”

“I won’t be myself if I can’t work and fulfill my dream … so no king for me.”

He smiles at me.

“Besides, the chances of me meeting and falling in love with a king are super-duper slim.” I exhale. “Let’s watchBad Boys II, okay?”

“Fine by me,” he says.


Ifeellikeanidiot admitting strong feelings for a sixteen-year-old girl when I’m ten years older, worse yet, she’s has never been kissed. Compounding it all, she’s my younger sister’s friend. Some of Taimani’s friends had crushes or should I say had crushes on me, back when I had my swagger but these days, my confidence bar is low, I’m just a rich guy in a plaster cast and a wheelchair, could that be the reason or because she’s a beautiful woman, though she’s unaware of her beauty.No, idiot she’s a girl, not a womanMaybe that’s where the problem lies.

I see her as a woman, my woman to be exact but the reality is she’s a girl and I need to see her like a girl but why does my heart quicken whenever she walks in, or do I feel sad when she must leave, or more importantly, I get upset when she talks about boys like she’s supposed to as a teenager. I always change the topic and make her focus on me in hopes she will forget the boy, James.

That hasn’t worked yet because, whenever she gets a chance, James is all I hear. Is she trying to torment me, or she can’t see herself with me?

For the first time in my life, I’m at the receiving end of unrequited attraction, something I have never experienced. Women typically chase after me for my looks, title, and money but she doesn’t see any of that. I still have my looks though my nose is cracked but she seems to think it makes me look more handsome and I believe her, that is just how much I like this girl.

Money and title can’t get me out of bed to take Jade places, it can only make me physically comfortable, somewhat, but it can’t do anything regarding my heart problems.

Why. Why. Why did I ask her tosit with me. I should have let her walk out like she was going to, but I didn’t. She had paused. I half expected her to turn down my request only she didn’t and instead made me laugh.

My first realization was that I liked her company. I then convinced her to return the next day. Only she didn’t right away until she had to do the community hours for the social class, my anger made me bark at my care staff. Scaring them shitless.

A knock interrupts my thoughts. “Come in.” My friend Brian, whose challenge led to my broken bones, though not his fault. I had refused to see any friends or speak to any of my friends. Jade had said it was a sad way to live. She’d encouraged me to reach out to all my friends and to start with Brian in particular, since I had the most grievance against him.
