Page 19 of Jade

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I want to see Naseer. I leave Yasmin’s place filled with excitement and happiness.

Naseer had insisted that I must visit him first before going to the dance. He’s getting better each day and moving around with crutches, though he still wears braces and sometimes still uses the wheelchair, but we’ve made progress. He can stand and move a little.

He said I promised him a dance, which I did when we first met. He insists I keep my promise of having a dance with him before going to the school dance. I’d asked my uncle to drop me off at Darabi’s residence because Taimani and I planned to go to the dance together.

I can’t help but be excited about my first dance with Naseer. A thoughtless promise I’d made and would now become pivotal. James is my date tonight. We get along well. I can tell Lydia’s claws are only on me now because she has a crush on James as well. She has made herself my enemy, though I’m still unsure how that’s going to play out.

James said he’ll wait for me at the dance hall entrance. We can walk in together. I’m intoxicated with excitement.

All plans are in motion. I arrived at Darabi’s McMansion, I happily waved goodbye to my uncle. I headed to Naseer’s room first, with excitement oozing out of every pore in my body. The nurses weren’t in their usual spot, so I decided to go in. I knocked and entered without waiting for a response. Not sure if I heard come in or not. The room is empty, but I can hear muffled sounds.

“Naseer, I’m here. Where are you?” I call out. No response. “Naseer?” I call out again.

“Naseer, where are you?” I called out again, no response. “Gent?” I call again before noticing a poised and well-dressed lady stepping out of the bathroom. She’s pretty and looks expensive if I can say so. Everything about her screams glamor and a hefty price tag. I’ve never seen her before. She looks at me with disdain. My brain immediately thinks of an older brunette version of Lydia.

“Who are you?” she asks in a commanding tone.

“I’m Mariam, here to see Naseer,” I state, grinning when I see him on his crutches behind her his mouth drops open in whoa expression, his open admiration gaze holds my eyes. I blush under his stare. Hands behind my back, I sway just as my dress moves with me. I’m completely lost in his eyes. The lady is non-existent in our moment. Naseer is all I see and feel, without touching. The lady moved swiftly to block my view of Naseer before I could realize what was going on.

Her palm strikes my face, making a loud sound in the room.

“How dare you address Prince Naseer by his first name? I should have you reprimanded for insolence!” she shouts in my face. I put my palm to my cheeks as it stung. Looked up to see Naseer scowl.

“I’m sorry” I instinctively move back, then race out of his room to the first bathroom. I now know where most of the bathrooms are in this 20-bedroom, 15-bathroom, 20-car garage, theatre room, staff quarter indoor and outdoor pool house. Tears trickled down my face. My make-up is getting ruined. I dabbed at my face just had Yasmin taught me.

My intoxicated excitement had made me forget the formality. I’m excruciatingly sober. My eyes were on him, his were on me with open admiration. The look on his face made me forget she was in the room with us. I inhale an anguished breath and choose to exhale joy.

That woman, whoever she is, cannot ruin my joy today. I head out and ask one household help to tell Taimani that I’m waiting in the car.

Luckily, Taimani didn’t make me wait. She was down in less than five minutes, dressed in a black and gold dress. Her hair is in wavy curls.

“Oh, my god! Mariam, I love your dress and your hair is beautiful,” she says excitedly.

“Thank you” I manage a genuine smile. Taimani talks about the dance. I try to chat along with Taimani as she talks about all we are going to do, but I’m hurt. No one has ever raised a hand to hit me before. My parents didn’t ever spank or strike me. I got punished but was never hit.

A woman out of nowhere dared to slap me for not saying a title. I don't need to come here again, ever. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.

Once we arrived at the dance. James looked dashing, his expression when he saw me put joy in my heart and a smile on my face. He had a corsage for me. I smiled at how it matched my dress. Once he helped me put it on, He held his elbow out for me to link my arm.

“You are the most beautiful girl here tonight” he whispers. I grin at him;it’s going to be a good evening after all.

We danced together several times; he wouldn’t let go whenever the other boys asked to dance with me. As the night continued, we stepped outside to get some air away from the music and noise.

At first, we remained quiet just enjoying the fresh breeze “You are the best dressed and most beautiful girl.” He says in admiration. The look in his eyes tells me he’s telling the truth.

“Thank you,” I reply, blushing.

“Can I kiss you?” James asks, making me blush more. I lift my head to reach his lips.


Ican’tbelievewhatjust happened before my eyes. One minute, I hear Jade calling out for me and I see her looking like a goddess it takes my breath away. It hit me in that moment how much I wanted her with me always. It all happened so fast. Nadra stared at me, but my eyes remained on Jade. Nadra turns and slaps Jade.

Jade runs out, not looking back. I couldn’t move fast enough on my crutches. I’d just started moving with them. I moved to my wheelchair and then tried to wheel myself after Jade, but Nadra stood in my way.

“Don’t tell me you are going after that stupid little girl who didn’t show respect for your title and name.”

“Nadra, get the hell out of my way!!” I shouted at her. Startled that I would shout at her, she moves out of my way. By the time I wheel myself out. I see the car leaving.
