Page 23 of Jade

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“Do you want me to do something,” Rilwan says.

“No, that would make her dislike me. Right now, I’m on eggshells with her because of what Nadra did.”

“What did Princess Nadra do to Ms. Bankole,” he asks. I can’t keep things from Rilwan. He’ll find out, anyway.

“Nadra slapped Jade last night when she came into my room, calling me by my name without the title. I saw a look on Jade's face that I never want to see again.”

“I saw Ms. Bankole when she came out of the bathroom yesterday. She looked like a goddess, breathtakingly beautiful.” My glaring eyes shot up to meet Rilwan’s in the mirror with a look that said don’t you dare look at her. He breaks the look. “That’s why I came to you asking if you were ready. I guess the action had already happened.”

“Unfortunately, yes,” I answer, turning to watch Jade and James holding hands, walking on the beach.

She has talked so much about James, and I certainly didn’t realize James is half-black. Looking at them together. I subconsciously agree that they look good together. She’s hoping they end up in the same college. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen.

I continue to watch in disgust and anger as he tucks her hair behind her ears and laughs with her. This boy is pulling all the stops to steal my girl. No way am I going to let this happen. He may not know it, but he’s not the only contender for her heart and I play dirty.

Annoying Nadra put me in this position. James may have gotten the first kiss, but that’s all he’s going to get. I instructed one of my guys to watch James and Jade. They are to call me when they see them leaving the beach.

Rilwan and I head home. It’s painful to watch them together and have no right to pull her away from him. James needs to watch out.

After hours of no call from the guys, I’m restless. I headed to Jade’s house to wait for her.


Jamesdroppedmeoffat home. He kissed me goodnight before I got out of the car. Each kiss with James shuts out the thoughts of Naseer, much as he tries to sneak into my mind.

I waved to him once, I stepped into the house. I watch his car drive away and turn to put my crossbody bag on the table by the door. I kick my sandals and head to sit in the living room, I come to a screeching halt when I see Naseer sitting comfortably with my uncle.

He looks calm but I’m not fooled. He’s smiling at whatever Uncle is talking about; I know he’s not listening. He’s looking me over. The wind blew my hair and James helped by tucking my hair behind my ears. It doesn’t look perfect, that’s for sure. It looks more disheveled than tucked

“Good evening, Uncle and Prince Naseer,” I say to them.

“Jade, welcome back. Hope you had a good date?” Uncle Ray asks.

“It was nice,” I answer, smiling. I look at Naseer with a smile, but my smile is quickly wiped away because it meets a scowling block of ice-sculptured face.

“I have an appointment; I was just waiting for you to get home. Your aunty should be back soon. Prince Naseer tells me he has some stuff to discuss with you. I’ll leave you two to it. Text me when he leaves.” he says leaving us and grabbing his car keys.

I hear the door close. Naseer and I remain in awkward silence. He looks out of place in the small living room. We have an L-shaped leather sofa. I take the seat Uncle Ray vacated which is the other end from Naseer.

“How may I help you, Prince Naseer,” I ask.

“Stop calling me Prince Naseer,” he snaps, startling me. I try not to squirm in my seat from his bark.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter, honestly unsure why I’m apologizing.

“How was your date?” he asks, I do know he isn’t asking for me to tell him it was a good date or provide details on what happened and how much fun I had with James. I can’t figure out why he’s asking.

“It was good,” I tell him anyway, “We went to dinner, and he dropped me back home.”

“You were with him for over six hours, what else happened, on this date, Jade.” He looks livid like he’s received a report that I’d murdered on this date.

“Nothing happened, we talked about college and plans, looks like we are looking at the same colleges, we might end up together.”

“And ...”

“And he dropped me off at home.” I retort.

“Are you seeing him tomorrow?” I want to say yes, but it’s best not to make Naseer angrier though I’m not sure what he’s angry about. I went to my dance after the slap and on a date with James, which is all normal. I should be the angry one and I can’t understand his grumpy side right now.
