Page 25 of Jade

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Naseer: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Me: Good night.

I respond, not sure what else to say to him.

I head to the shower; I can still feel sand on some parts of my body. I changed into my PJs and got in bed. I’m sleep-deprived because my mind is a scrambled mess. Naseer kissing me, which is surreal and James confessing that he likes me which was also surreal for the cutest boy in school to like me. I’m nobody. Dread and delight wrap around me like a velvet ribbon, with my mind racing to the highest volt of possible explosion questioning how I ended up in this triangle with a handsome Prince and the hottest boy in school. Now I need Lagos like I need air to help untangle my web. Tito will help me untangle this mess. I toss and turn till I finally sleep.


Iwokeupfeelingrefreshed. Without warning the floodgate of James and Naseer bursts through. The only blocker is my homework, so I get to work on my homework assignment. My phone is turned off. Once my homework is done. I decided to visit the market, I know if I stay home. Naseer will show up again and I’m not ready to discuss what we are or not. I can see it in those determined eyes of his.

I took my old Nokia GSM phone with me. Naseer, can’t get me on this one. I spend time visiting stores. I bought a SIM and phone card to call my aunt and let her know, I’m at the market. I didn’t return home until after dinner time. My aunt and uncle were already in bed when I got in. I let them know, I’m home and say good night to them. I take a shower and get in bed.

I didn’t bother turning my phone on, I know Naseer would have called and texted.

He’s stubborn like that. And I probably poked him by not showing up today, but he needs to stay in his lane. That much is clear to me now. Just as I’m about to drift off to sleep. I hear a knock “Jade, Prince Naseer is on the phone for you.” I hear my uncle say.Oh no! He didn’t just call my uncle. I open the door to answer the phone.


“Turn your phone on, Jade.” He growls, just when I think I could escape him. He reminds me there’s no escaping him. I pick up my phone and switch it on. I see the streams of messages.

“It’s on,” I say.

“Give your uncle’s phone back to him so I can apologize for disturbing him. I’ll call you right back in a second.” I return the phone to my uncle “Prince Naseer is still on the phone for you” I say as I give the phone to him. I could hear my uncle “Not a problem, Prince Naseer.”

A few seconds later my phone rings.


“We had an agreement last night, but you didn’t hold your end it. Did you go on another date with James?”

“No, I went to the market alone,” I snap, I’m upset he dares to call my uncle this late. I want to shout at him sayingwhat is the matter with you, have you lost your mind? As always, his status has my tongue-tied.

“All day?” he says questioning the potential unfathomable that I could be in the market all day alone hanging around stores and haggling with sellers, a trait I learned from my mom.

“Yes,” I retort.

“Why?” He is seriously asking why I would go to the market.Why does anyone go to the market?

“I needed to get some gifts for my friends in Lagos.”

“And that took all day.” I let out a silent exasperated sigh.

“Yes,” I snap, he’s pushing my button.

“Okay, will I see you tomorrow?”

“Not sure about my day.”

“Show up tomorrow, Jade, I won’t ask again.” His tone certainly sounds like he’s commanding not asking.

“Okay,” I acquiesce.

“Good night, Jade”

“Good night.” I mumble.

The school year is almost over. I must do better at avoiding him as much as possible. I need that trip to Lagos pronto. Tito already sent me a list of all the items she wants from Rhanaz. Going to the market today was a good idea, I can start packing my bags.
