Page 32 of Jade

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“Yes, it is.”

“She did say you would call but she lost her phone. Hold on I’ll find her.” I breathe relief, she’s not ghosting me again. The lady returns to the phone “Jade is not home. She’ll be back in about two hours. She went to get a new phone.”

“Thank you. I’ll call back.”

I hung up. I don’t like Jade this far away. I pace and watch the clock for the next two hours. Right on the dot I call the number again.

“She’s back and you can call her line. It’s working now.”

“Okay, thanks”

I dial her line.


“Jade, what happened to your phone, are you ok?”

“I’m fine. I went out with some of my high school friends and my phone fell and smashed. I couldn’t get a new one right away. My aunty told me yesterday that I will be returning to Rhanaz and staying with them till I head for college. They renewed their contract with the school, they seem happy about the new contract.”

“That’s good to know are you happy about returning to Rhanaz?”

“Actually yes, I don’t think I’m ready to join a new high school for just one year. I’ll finish in Rhanaz and college in the US. James’s happy I’m coming back.”

“You talked to James?” My tone sounded harsher than I intended.Just how is James getting all the information without any effort?

“No, we emailed. He’s in Switzerland right now.”

“When are you back Jade?”

“In ten days. I should arrive at Rhanaz around noon.”

“Email me your itinerary.”

“I don’t have your email, Naseer.”

“I’ll text it to you.”

“Naseer, I might not get to speak to you till I return.”

“Why not?” This doesn’t sound good.

“Tito’s mom is religious, she’s convinced, we need prayers, we are headed to a prayer camp outside Lagos for the next three days, she’ll be taking our phones away. We must focus on Jesus.” She laughs. At least, she’s giving me heads up. “We won’t be back until the fourth day, and I will be visiting some friends. I’ll see you when I get to Rhanaz.”

“Let the ten days count down begin then.” I say.

“Yes, Tito and I have tried to make all kinds of excuses not to visit the camp but she’s not letting us off the hook.”

“Send me your travel details, Jade” I need to see that itinerary, my confirmation that she’s coming back.

“I will, I have to go Naseer.”

“Bye, Jade, see you soon.”

“Bye Naseer.”

I hang up with Jade and immediately text Jade my email. I returned my focus to therapy. I check my email and do not have any email from Jade. I asked Taimani if she heard from Jade.

“She sent me her itinerary and asked me to give it to you.”

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