Page 33 of Jade

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“Send it to me.” Not sure why Jade didn’t send it to me directly.

“So, she’s coming back to Rhanaz right?” Her voice is shaky, I know my sister, something is wrong, doesn’t help that she’s fidgeting and avoiding eye contact.

“Yes, she is coming back is there a problem.”

“Not for me, but Lydia, another girl in school, doesn’t like Mariam. She thinks Mariam stole James from her.”

“What is this Lydia saying?”

Taimani shrugs. “Something about getting boys to grope her and possibly get boys to have sex with her and record it for fun,” she says, avoiding eye contact.

Did I hear her right or am I imagining my younger sister talking about the possible rape of Jade? I know for a fact some boy having sex with her will not be consensual.

“Are you with them on this?” I shouted at her.

“No! Of course not, but I don’t know what to do.” The heat of her response matched my tone.

“I’m sorry, can you tell me who the boys are and this Lydia girl.”

She shrugs.

“Taimani, if you don’t want me to shout, tell me who these boys are and this Lydia girl,” I say through gritted teeth.

She hands her phone to me, I read the group messages. It’s brutal, their dislike of Jade is very clear.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Since the dance. She won the best dress and James danced with her all night. He refused to let any boy near her. Lydia is jealous of Mariam. She has always won the best dress and had her eyes on James, but he can’t stop talking about Mariam. Lydia is not one to cross.”

“Send me their names and pictures of them, if you have one.” She nods.

“I didn’t want her to come back because of this.”

“That’s not for them to decide, thanks Taimani.” I answered, before leaving.

I couldn’t believe what they had planned for Jade. She would be walking into a trap unless I did something. I sent the pictures and numbers to Rilwan. He’s going to get the boys together and Lydia. I need to break Jade and James up.

It seems to date James comes with baggage of danger. I was going to let their relationship fade on its own but not anymore.

In three days, the boys and Lydia are sent an invitation to a gathering at the palace, they stupidly show up. I have my security surround all four of them.

I crutch in and they are all shocked to see me. They all rise to their feet.

“Sit down. You all probably know who I am and if you don’t. I’m Prince Naseer and I didn’t just invite you here. I have a very special friend that’s under my protection and I understand all four of you plan to humiliate her and worse yet even rape her and record it.” my voice is calm but it’s lethal.

They look at each other, surprised I know, these idiots forget my younger sister is their classmate.

“I want you all to listen carefully before I bring your parents in.” That gets their attention.

“Mariam Jadesola Bankole is a very special friend of mine as such protected by the kingdom of Rhanaz that means any attempt to humiliate her or worse yet rape her will earn each all of you prison time and I mean it.”

“It was just talk; we didn’t mean anything by it” the skinny boy responds quickly.

“Just talk really to grope and rape Mariam!” My palm slams on the table making each of them squirm in their seat in fear.

“I have sent the text messages to your parent and they are aware that I have the record of yourjust talkso if anything happens to Mariam, each of you will spend nights in Jail while I take my sweet time to investigate and decide if you get prison or not and your parents just might spend nights with you in prison as well just so you know since all you planned wasjust talk.” Their eyes widen.

“The difference between you and I is that I don’t just talk; I’ll make it happen. Bring the parents in,” I say to Rilwan.
