Page 39 of Jade

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Myauntandunclesat me down after my exams. Naseer traveled for the first time since his accident. So, I’m home more and don’t need to go to school daily because I have completed all my classes and finished some exams. I talk more with Tito and hang out more with Kira, who I’ve found to be a silent genius. She’s heading to Oxford University, and we’ve promised to stay in touch.

“Jade, I have bought your ticket to Texas, you don’t have to spend the summer here in Rhanaz. Yomi has said he’ll help you get settled into school, he has promised to take you for the campus tour, and we will be there as well to help you settle in for college” Aunty Lara, rapidly says.“I want to stay a little longer in Rhanaz.” I croak.

“No, you are leaving by the end of the week. I know Prince Naseer is out of the country, and I want you to leave before he returns.” I maintain a calm façade. She knows I want to stay because of him and she’s sending me away because of him.

“A few students like you have completed all classes and exams early, so the principal has agreed to have a small graduation ceremony for you guys, which is a blessing. Right after the graduation ceremony, you will board your flight to Texas, and I need you to promise me one thing.”

“Okay, Aunty,” I respond though I can guess what she’s going to ask of me. It hurts already. I look to my uncle for help, but he doesn’t meet my eyes and it dawns on me. The decision is already made, whether I like it or not.

“Promise me you will not speak with Prince Naseer again. I need you to find yourself and enjoy your youth. Promise me Jade that you will not speak and see Prince Naseer again.” she emphatically states.

“I promise to avoid Prince Naseer,” I say to my aunty who lets out a heavy sigh like she’d expected me to protest, I know what she’s asking for is a pound of flesh that I can’t give though, I agree to it. His dad has certainly soured our relationship in my guardians’ eyes with his threats. The age gap and the social status gap between us isn’t something Aunty Lara likes. My mind understands but my heart doesn’t understand.

The week went by in a blur, I had the graduation ceremony with six other students and boarded the flight to Texas. On my final flight out of Rhanaz, I am leaving numb the same way I came.

Only this time the numbness isn’t a hundred percent. It is more of a shattered heart.

Throughout the flight, I watch movies Naseer likes and laugh in my head about the things we talk about. Now he’s finally out of my life.

Tito is convinced, I will forget him and find another James. I’ll have so much fun that Naseer won’t cross my mind. I doubt that will ever be possible. I choose not to argue with her.

When I touch done in Houston, TX. I’m happy to see my cousin.


Myflighttoucheddownin Rhanaz and I’m happy to be back. My first trip since the accident. I was happy to get on the plane again and see the world, a few things I didn’t think would be possible after the accident but I’m beyond happy that I can walk on my own, not at full speed but I’m getting there.

The flight to visit Raheem my cousin, who welcome me with a hug and a party with all my friends even Luca my only Italian crazy friend came. The trip was good, but I’ve missed my girl. I wanted to call her, though I felt it was best to let her complete her finals and I can take her out to celebrate her graduation. I’m back early to surprise her.

I got her a graduation present; I hope she likes it. I was gone for three weeks, and it feels like I was gone longer. I missed her a lot, not sure what I’m going to do when she leaves for college.We’ll figure it out. I have every plan to figure it out.

I went home to change before calling her phone. It rings, no answer. That’s strange, she would have answered. I know she’s heading to the University of Chicago but that won’t be until mid-August, so I have a few more months with my girl. I tried several times and still no answer.

I decided to call her uncle’s line. “Hello,” he answersthat’s good.

“Good evening Mr LaYola, may I speak with Jade please?”

“Hello Prince Naseer, Mariam isn’t here, she’s already in the US.”

“Am sorry, did you say Mariam is in the US,” I asked, almost like I couldn’t comprehend what he just said to me.

“Yes, she left last week.”

“Her graduation is in two days, isn’t it?”Did I mix up the date?

“Well, a few students had to leave early, so the school allowed them to take pictures and receive their diplomas, her cousin in Texas wanted her to come and spend time with him. She will head to college from his home.”

“May I have her number please; I need to speak with her” My heart pounds with trepidation at his answer before he says it.

“Unfortunately, that won’t be possible. Prince Naseer, let Mariam get this break away from you. She’s young and will find her way but to do that, she needs to be on her own.”

I remain quiet, though I want to say more, but it is clear, they sent her away to keep her from me. If only they knew it’s only a temporary fix. They can’t break Jade and me, we’ve already formed an invisible impenetrable infinity loop, and no one knows the beginning or the end of us.

“Thank you Mr LaYola, and good night,” I say hanging up. I know what school she’s going to in September and what course. I already have everything I need. I’ll let them all believe we are over.

While I watch from afar, no way am I going to let my girl go. I’ll watch till she clocks twenty. Then no one can stop me from claiming what’s mine.What if she no longer wants you?My mind questions. I know without a doubt that I would be miserable. Maybe I’ll try to be the next king without a queen, of course.

The nurses are gone now. I don’t need round-the-clock care. I have a live-in therapist with me. I need to keep going on my therapy and get back close to a hundred percent.
