Page 51 of Jade

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“I’m sure, I will. Do you have a guy in mind that you plan to marry or date right now?” I ask though my mind is about to implode, I have no idea what I would do if she told me she fancies some guy or she’s seeing some other college boy. She’s quiet for a moment and starts to laugh.

“You’re too funny Naseer. You know, I lack the acute mind to date two guys at the same time. Right now, I’m all school and Naseer, which if you ask my roommate is quite boring and terrible plus you are the grumpy’s evil twin when it comes to sharing. It’s best to save us both, the headache of you showing that side of you.” She responds with a sad chuckle. At least she understands that I would never share her.

“Honestly, Naseer, let’s just enjoy our time together without any promises.”

“Fine, if that’s how you want it.” I acquiesce. She has no idea there’s no way I am ever letting her go. If it makes her feel better. I’ll let her keep believing at some point we’ll go our separate ways.

I lie back down and reach for her; she doesn’t turn away. I pull her to me; she soon falls back asleep. My mind can’t rest, Jade has an exit plan. I need to start working on erasing her exit plan. Giving her space to concentrate also sounds like too much space for her to plan an exit. I’m going to show up more often, so she knows I’m playing the long games here.

I feel a need to have someone keep an eye on her, should she suddenly start having thoughts about dating boys on campus. The cons, if she finds out, she will walk away from it. Right now. I need to plan how to change her mind about us and not compound it.

When I woke up the next morning, Jade was not in bed. Which isn’t unusual. She’s an early riser. I stepped into the living room and found her dressed with a bag packed.

“Why are you dressed and where are you going?” I’m ticked, what is she up to?

“Back to school.” She mumbled her response.

“Why, I thought the plan is you leaving Monday evening?” We had agreed on this, but now she’s acting weird.

“I realized Maureen and her creepy boyfriend won’t be in and I could use the time to study,” she answers avoiding my eyes. Staring at her shoes, the way she does when nervous.

“Bullshit Jade, you’re not going anywhere!” I know her, she’s trying to put a wall between us and that’s not going to work.

“You can’t force me to stay, Prince Naseer.” She’s saying prince again, pushing me away. No way am I going to let her build a freaking Chinese wall between us.

“I’ll not dignify that response with an answer, but I’m saying it again. You’re not leaving until Monday. You have two options, we can continue our original plan of going to my cousin’s party in New York or we can stay here indoors all day, your choice. Either way, you’re not leaving today.” I tersely state.

“Fine, Naseer. You win,” she snaps.

“Glad you are back to addressing me appropriately. Now what do want to eat?”

She ignores me and goes to sit further away.

I hear a knock on the door, “Come in.” I call out, and Rilwan walks in.

“Good morning, Prince Naseer,” he says to me then turns to Jade “Ms Bankole, are you ready?” She shakes her head and avoids his eyes.

“Sorry for troubling you, Ril. I’ll be staying,” she says in a conspiratorial tone before heading to the bedroom and slamming the door.

Rilwan turns to leave. “Stop, Rilwan!” I call out. He turns to me.

“Let’s be sure, I have this clear. I’m guessing she called you to say she wants to leave, and you were going to take her away from me without consulting me first.” I’m upset and trying to control my annoyance.

“She was crying on the phone saying she needed to leave. I called your line when you didn’t answer, I arranged transportation for her.”

“She was crying, and you thought getting her away from me was a good idea.” I feel like smashing his face in.

“I’m sorry.”

I moved closer to him. “Rilwan, you, and I are friends, we are also boss and employee. Next time you take any action that involves Jade without consulting me first. I can confirm to you it will be the end of us. Is that clear?” I sternly state without breaking eye contact, I need him to know. Jade is always my number one concern, never his.

“Yes, Your Highness”

“I assure you; I didn’t do anything to make her cry.” I clarify to him. “I’ll let you know when we need to leave,” I state walking away from him.

Jade is sitting on the edge of the bed when I open the door to the bedroom. “You still haven’t answered about breakfast.”

“I’m not hungry.” Her lower lip is quivering.
