Page 55 of Jade

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“No, son. I don’t have a mistress, just your mother, and I’m a happy man. You, however, need an edge over your cousin to wear the crown, and marrying Nadra will give you that edge. I understand you want Mariam. I doubt Nadra would fight you for having a mistress, as long as she’s queen. She’s born royalty and understands what it entails to be a queen.” He’s convinced himself that this is the logical thing to do.

Is he serious right now? or just baiting me, but the look on his face tells me he’s convinced and serious about the fact that I should marry Nadra and keep Jade as a mistress.

“That would be an easy and perfect scenario, the first problem with your suggestion is the fact Mariam is an all-or-nothing kind of woman, she won’t agree to be my mistress and I don’t think I want her to be my mistress.”

He frowns. Does he have any idea how the said women cannot mix? Nadra will throw a fit, if she finds out Jade is my mistress and I’m sure Jade would never speak to me again the moment I’m engaged to Nadra.

“Then, you will need to break things off with Mariam, before she starts saying she’s pregnant.” His tone is stern.

“Dad, as I said before, I don’t want Nadra. I’m very happy with Mariam and not to worry Mariam has no intention of getting pregnant anytime soon and she’s convinced our relationship has a shelf life of her college graduation day. You need not worry about her getting pregnant anytime soon.” I don’t add how happy I would be if she was pregnant.

“At least she’s smart enough to know there’s no future for the two of you,” he says casually like it’s all settled. I wanted to tell him otherwise, but I decided it was best to be quiet about my plans.

“Yes, she’s smart and you need not worry about convincing her to be my mistress.”

“Good, guess it’s settled then, when are you meeting with your uncle?” he says changing the subject and I go with it. If I’m being honest, I don’t want to talk about Jade with Dad. Though it nags me.

“In about an hour,” I reply lying to him. I don’t have to meet with the king today, but I don’t want to keep speaking with my dad about Jade either. What I want is to call Jade soon before she goes to class. I need to hear her voice. I need to confirm to my mind that we are real.

If my dad has an idea of how I feel about Jade. He won’t think to mention another woman, so I’ll keep that news to myself for now.

“I’ll speak with you later. It was smart of you to keep Mariam hidden. Once she graduates, you can call your relationship quit and move on to better arrangements,” he says as he gets up, just as he’s about to leave, at the door. I decided to poke his thought.

“Dad, if by some miracle Mariam agrees to be my mistress what happens when she wants children or a husband she can be seen with?”

He sighs before turning to face me, I can tell he didn’t think that far into making my girl a mistress.

“You can’t have children with your mistress, Naseer. Mistresses aren’t meant to have children, their sole purpose is to warm your bed and in return, you shower them with material things and make them comfortable.” He says it like there are standard rules for having a mistress. He tells me that he knows them well.

“So, I should tell the woman I love, I can’t give her children. Because the woman I don’t love is the one, I can only have children with. I can assure you impregnating Nadra won’t happen naturally because I can’t stand the touch of any woman besides, Jade.” There I share a glimpse of us. My dad’s eyes widen.

“You are making this difficult, Naseer.” He casually says though I sense, he would prefer to shout at me.

“Am I? Let’s say by some miracle we don’t have the children problem, what happens when Jade wants a husband or wants out of this mistress arrangement?” I know my girl.

“Then you will have to let her go.” He gives a quick response. As I shake my head getting up from my seat and moving closer to where he stands.

“That’s the flaw in your equation, Dad. Letting go of Jade is not an option for me.” Realization hits his face. He’s barking up the wrong tree. It was never about Jade but about me and how much I love her.

“Are you confirming that you would give up the crown for Mariam?”Yes, is the answerI chuckle as I also realize I need a diplomatic answer.

“I will complete the training as promised to my grandfather, I have no desire to wear the crown that has always been my position. Having a woman, who doesn’t care about the crown makes it easier.”

“You are giving up the chance to be the king of Rhanaz for a girl?” he shouts. It’s obvious the news is upsetting him more, as he realizes how serious I am. His eyes turn fiery, clenching and unclenching his fist. I remain unraveled.

“I’m giving up the crown because it’s a want I can do without, but Jade is a need I cannot do without. I know you want me to be King, truthfully, I don’t want the pressure of the crown being with Jade just made me realize it more. Plus, she won’t marry me if I’m King and I can’t have that. She’s the love of my life and I can’t let her go, Dad. I’ll give up everything before I give Jade up.” I reveal to him as I notice he looks like he’s about to implode. A good thing Jade isn’t here because I believe my father would attack her if she was.

“I don’t get it Naseer, there are lots of women that would make you happy, why would you settle for a nobody when you can reach higher?” I want to tell him not to insult Jade.

“Because she’s the one I love and loves me back unconditionally. She doesn’t care about my riches, my status, or how ugly my body looks, and I’ll ask you not to try and get between us.”

He looks perplexed. Like he can’t understand why I’m throwing away a chance of a lifetime for a nobody as he calls her but that nobody is my world, and I will fight for her every day.

“Dad, I know you told her aunt and uncle to send her away, so I won’t see her, as we both know that didn’t stop me. I waited four years to date her. I need you to promise me that you won’t get between us.”

“I want what is best for you Naseer and I honestly think this girl has you bewitched somehow. Maybe she used some African spell to lure you to her, I cannot understand this obsession with her.” I burst into a boisterous laugh, that’s the best he can do bewitch and spells. Rather than accept that I’m in love with Jade he chooses to say she cast a spell on me. If it helps him sleep at night I won’t argue with his mind.

“I don’t trust her and her family and I’m going to prove you wrong.” he sneers.
