Page 57 of Jade

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“No, Gent. I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s nothing. I’m heading to my room and will stay in for the rest of the day. I don’t have any more classes today.”

“Okay call me if anything changes.”

“I will.”

My ride home is quiet. My mind ponders if someone is watching Jade daily. The thought creeps me out. Maybe it’s nothing. I’ll try not to think about it. I need to see her soon. I went straight to bed. It doesn’t help that my body reacts to thoughts of her.

Raheem is excited the next morning and probably had too much fun with the ladies.

“You know, the ladies have friends too,” he happily suggests.

“No, thank you. None of them appeals to me and they can’t quench my thirst. It’s pointless drinking from a fountain that won’t quench your thirst. What I need is your help to review this document fast, so I get to my own fountain.”

“Fine but if you change your mind all you have to say isI’m readyand no question asked,” he says excitedly like he just offered me the front seat to a basketball game.

“Won’t happen let’s get to work.”

The next couple of days are the same. We continue to review all the documents and find nothing; it feels like a waste of time. The man is meticulous in details, my uncle is convinced he’s hiding something buried in between the details. Much as I would like to argue. I do not argue with people’s gut or instinct, most times gut instincts are accurate.

Raheem and I dig deeper but find nothing. Just as I’m trying too hard to find this missing information, I’m also trying not to exact my frustration on a task that might yield no reward.

Raheem leaves for a break. I continue to dig.

I toss my pen, grunting in frustration when my dad comes in, tossing a manila envelope on my desk. I raise an eyebrow in questionwhat is this?

“Open it,” he calmly says as he takes a seat. I oblige and open the envelope. Taking the content out it’s a picture of Jade. She’s in a man’s arm her head tilted and the man is kissing her neck as she laughs. My eyes zoomed in on the beautiful laugh. My lady looks happy,where have I seen a picture like this?I mentally search my brain but come up empty, my mind is tired and I’m missing Jade. I refuse to consider this picture to mean anything.

I put the picture back in the envelope and tossed it back to my dad. Who seems happy with himself like he’s found the missing piece of information I’ve spent weeks searching for but all he’s brought me is more anguish that I don’t have Jade in my arms.

“Now you know what she’s doing behind your back. This-” he taps the envelope “Tells me she can’t be trusted. I want you to break things off with her immediately.” I’m swiveling in my chair, my right hand rubbing my face, controlling my exasperation of my father’s dog with a bone mentality regarding Jade.

“Naseer, are you listening, this girl is unworthy of you. I can’t seem to understand what you see in her.”

I chuckled at that statement. I stop swiveling and face himyou can’t understand because I fell in love with a girl that doesn’t care about the crown and loves me despite all my weakness and scars,I don’t say that to him.

“Dad, stop stalking Jade. I don’t like it, and this picture.” I tap the manila envelope “means nothing. I’m certain Jade will not cheat on me; she will break up with me rather than cheat.”

“Is that all you’re going to say, for me to stop watching her, I’m looking out for you don’t you see it, she has you roped around her finger. Is the sex that great?”

“Enough!” I shout slamming my desk “Stop stalking Jade and this picture means nothing!” I release the frustration I’ve been holding back. My dad is shocked, I dare to raise my voice to him.

It makes sense now the feeling Jade had of someone watching her. I’d tried not to think much of it since she didn’t mention it again. My dad had people following her which is rubbing me wrong right now.

I lean back in my chair “Dad, call your men off my woman now!” I say in a stern tone, trying not to shout at him again. He glares back at me.

“I will not call them off. I’ll always protect you especially when you’re too veiled to see what’s staring right at you.” He volleys back tensely too. We are having a face-off.

“I will not ask again, Dad, call them off or I’ll make that decision for you. I promise you won’t like it.” I calmly state but the command is clear.

“No! Son.”

“Fine, you leave me no choice.”

“If you insist on having her in your life, it should only be as a mistress. I’ll never accept her as daughter-in-law.”

“Then we are at an impasse Dad because it’s Jade or no one else.” We maintain the stare. I realize he won’t call off his men and he’s daring me. I picked up my phone and called the number to Rilwan. I kept my eyes on my dad, neither of us blinking.

Rilwan answers right away. “Find out who the men my dad has watching Ms Bankole are. If they are Rhanazian fire them all. If they are outsourced eliminate them.” I state in a commanding tone. Not breaking eye contact with my dad.
