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Dear Simone,

It’s been one hell of a few months but along with our families, his, mine, and our Lincoln family we’ve made the best out of the suck the entire world has lived that we possibly could.

Let me back this up a bit and tell you that the Lincoln Lions football team won their division. The women’s team and men’s team were on track to again win their championship games, and I was killing it, like honestly had my very best season until all of it came very abruptly to an end.

Someday I will tell my children about the Covid pandemic that terrified and shut down the world we were living in. About how within weeks went from riding the high of being champions to helping friends scramble to find a place to live when the campus shut down.

I’ll tell them about days I spent crying and nights I couldn’t sleep because my parents became the people on the frontline fighting a war that’s enemies was invisible and unknown. I’ll tell them about the day my parents told me I couldn’t come home and insisted I stay living at Casa Costello because they didn’t want me to get sick if they caught the virus and brought it home to me. I’ll tell them how angry I was at them and in the same breath, saw them as the hero’s they were.

Someday I will also tell them about binds and friendships and families that are created. How you can laugh and love and still find moments of joy when there is so much uncertainty.

I’ll tell them how the man I love held me together and at times I held him together because his mother insisted, he stay with me because I was his one.

I’ll tell them about packing up my vehicle and tricking him into thinking we were going to go on a road trip, and how we slept in the vehicle and took turns driving all the way to Texas so he could see his mother from ten feet away to tell her face to face how much he loved her, on Mother’s Day when she and all his siblings had Covid.

I’ll tell them how we drove to Mass Gen and cheered on my parents when we saw them becoming visibly depressed after months of shift after shift trying to save lives and not always being able to do so.

I’ll tell them how we made silly videos of him singing and us just being goofy on Tik Tok, to bring a few minutes of joy to others, and how that helped us just as much.

I’ll tell them how their father and I got married by Kameron after he signed with the Brooklyn Bears and our parents, friends, and families watched through their phones and computers.

I’ll tell them that we bought a house in Connecticut because that’s where their Mommy and Aunt Quincy, and Auntie Drew will be finishing college and that it is close enough to Brooklyn where their Daddy was working.

I’ll tell them that no matter how hard life becomes, love always wins.

And I’ll tell them that, but I should probably tell their Daddy that she’s pregnant first.

Ending on 2 highs and a low.

H- My heart is full.

L- Didn’t realize it until four months later *period*

H- Best Husband Ever.


Riley Rivera

“Holy shit,”I whisper as I read it over one more time, because… “Holy shit.”

I stand up and look at all the boxes piled up that we still have to unpack and look to see where my wife might be hiding, no doubt recording this moment.

I make my way up the stairs and to our kick ass master suit, curled up in a little ball in the center of our California King bed.

I pull my phone from my pocket and take a picture. Not wanting wake her, I climb into bed, and gently lay beside her and pull her into my arms.

“Find it?” She says in her sleepy sexy voice.

I kiss the back of her head. “Thank you.”

“Love you.” She pushes closer to me.

“Love you.”

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