Page 70 of Flip Shot

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“Lucas Links,” Koa whispers.

“Who?” I ask.

“Played in the NFL. Rumors are flying that he and a couple other investors are buying the—”

“New York Knights,” the man, Lucas finishes for Koa.

“Oh Jesus.” His wife rolls her eyes.

“Baby, he said my name; what was I supposed to do?” He winks at her.

I catch whispers going down the row, and then I see Drew pop up from her seat and start heading our way.

When she makes it to us, she asks what I knew she would, “Who’s the owner of the Knights?”

“Rumor has it, we are.” Lucas chuckles. “But that information has not been released.”

Drew holds out her hand to his wife. “I’m Drew Daniels.”

She shakes it. “Tessa Links.”

It’s clear Drew’s had a few drinks, so I try to intervene. “Drew, maybe now’s not a good time.”

“It’s the best time.” She digs into her pocket and pulls out a card. “I’m new, but a damn good sports agent, nonetheless. I’ve already signed these three to the Brooklyn Bears.”

“Yeah?” Lucas asks.

She nods. “Women get fucked in sports. That’s why I started the Daniels Agency. But I also represent men.”

“Hey, potty mouth, the games going to be starting,” Dean calls to her.

“That guy, he owns them, and yes, we all went to school together, but I’m not just going to sign hockey players. I’m going to sign that one out there, number 12, Cody fucking Warren, because he’s an amazing quarterback.” She leans in and whispers, but pretty damn loudly, “But after college, because the NCAA has silly rules.”

Tessa looks highly amused as she takes her card. “Between you and I, he’s the reason we’re here.”

Dean climbs over seats and plops down in the empty seat beside Lucas. “Drew’s been drinking, but she’s legit already killing it. She and her sister crushed every woman’s ice hockey record here at Lincoln in their first of four years. Won the championship last spring, too. She’s not just a pretty face; she’s an athlete, and she’s now attending Fairhaven University’s law school in Connecticut.”

“My daughter, Ava, went to law school.” Lucas smiles at Drew. “Not a walk in the park.”

Drew nods to Dean. “He owns the Brooklyn Bears.”

“Pretty sure you mentioned that.” Dean chuckles.

“They came to watch Cody,” she tells Dean.

“Then maybe we should let them do that and talk shop after the game. Might give you time to sober up a bit.”

“I have your card.” Tessa smiles. “We’ll chat.”

Once Dean gets Drew back to their seats, Lucas leans forward. “Why did Warren leave the number one team in Texas for a team that hasn’t won a championship game… ever?”

There is no way I’m telling this guy it was to be closer to his ex-girlfriend, who’s now dating the hockey player that basically just told him that football was for pussies. What I do manage to pull out of my ass is, “He likes a challenge.”

“Good enough then.” He laughs.

The game? Well, let’s just say Warren keeps the Lions alive. With five seconds left in the game, the score is 23-24 Charlotte, and by the grace of God, Warren throws a sixty-yard Hail Mary to Hart, and the Lions eke out a win.

I lean back and shout over the crowd to Lucas Links. “Hart didn’t have a chance in hell of showing his talent the first two years he was here. The team needed a quarterback who could get the ball to him.”
