Page 72 of Flip Shot

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Overhearingwhat Theo said about Oz to Lucas—or as Leah dubbed the older gentleman, a “DILF”—speaks volumes as to who he is and makes him even more attractive, and I didn’t think that was even possible. I knew he was a good guy, but I let the little green—and clearly night-vision-impaired—monster lead me to believe otherwise.

My tummy flips have fully returned, and stronger than ever, and so has the heat that the mere sight of him “inspires” inside of me, especially since parts of him have been inside of me and given my princess parts what I now know are actual orgasms. Theo Rivera, hot as hell hockey god, gave me, Riley Park, my first O, and then some more, yes, I wrote all about it to Simone.

Walking down the stairs, his arm is behind him, and his hand’s pressed against my back, keeping me tight against him. When we get to the bottom of the stairs, he maneuvers me in front of him.

“Don’t wanna lose you.”

When his large hands grip my hips, and his massive body presses against my back, I feel protected, cherished, and consumed, but in a good way, like a really good way. None of those things—protected, cherished, and consumed—were ever on any of my many lists of what I wanted in a man, but now … now all three are in the top ten.

Once out of the crowd, he steps to my side, takes my hand, and looks down at me. “Gotta be straight with you, Riley, we’ve got a couple problems that we need to deal with stat.”

My mind immediately goes to my bedroom and what I could have possibly done wrong. “Wow, okay?”

“First, you need to let me know what Skinner said to you that caused you to feel like you needed to defend yourself.”

“Seriously?” I laugh. He doesn’t.

He squeezes my hand. “Your enemies are my enemies.”

“It wasn’t a big deal. I handled it.”

“That’s gonna be a problem for me.”

“So, it’s literally ayouproblem,” I joke.

His steps quicken, but he doesn’t reply.

After silence has ensued long enough to make this moment the kind of awkward that grates on my nerves, I purposely slow down, forcing him to do the same.

“Where are Koa and JT?”

“Meeting you and I—us—at the vehicle.”

I pull my hand from his, even though the way he just said that was so … sweet and cross my arms.

His head cocks to the side in question.

“What Skinner did was put himself between me and Oz at Bleachers when I was trying to let him know I was leaving because I didn’t want to be rude. He told me that Oz had dozens of women in waiting to fill his time.” I point to myself. “I was in my feels about it and told him he was a dick. He responded like any dude bro would and, like, my flying fingers, my whole hand, took flight. It fucking hurt, which I’m woman enough to admit I deserved that sting. This doesn’t need to be a war between the hockey and football bros, especially since one of my roomies is a football bro, and my”—I gesture toward him, because I have no idea else to do—“is a hockey bro.”

“If I were your boyfriend, and you were my”—he gestures to me the same way I did him, his autumn eyes twinkling—“that’s something I’d need to know.”

“If you were my boyfriend, you’d understand how shitty it would be for me if my boyfriend went after my roommate’s teammate.”

“Understood. But you need to understand, I’m gonna need you to tell me what caused the whole hand to launch, and I’m gonna need to know it immediately after I ask you a question that I should have asked you months ago.”

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop this seriously ridiculous grin I feel coming on that may overtaking my entire face.

“All right, let’s get the hell out of here.” He holds out his hand, and I take it.

* * *

JT and Koaare standing by Theo’s vehicle when we get there, and I suddenly remember what’s waiting at home.

“No need to go home and eat; we’re going to feed you tonight before we kick your asses at Jenga or maybe Scrabble, or—”

“Rivera’s flying sol—”

I widen my eyes and shake my head.
