Page 14 of Cauldrons & Curses

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I breathe through the pain and stand quickly, my heart in my throat, “Nova. Somethings wrong with Nova.” I recognize it like I recognize the very beat of my heart. I let my little star go and now it might be too late to keep her by my side. We might not have a forever all because I let her walk away.

Chapter Eleven



I thank Brian profusely for bringing me back to the inn. Once I'm in my room, I start throwing clothes into my suitcase and collecting my toiletries from the bathroom. My boss calls but I ignore it and keep packing. The man can go to hell. This whole story can fuck right off.

I’m so embarrassed. So confused. Nate kissed me. But he didn’t want to. I take a moment to stand up and angry-wipe the tears from my cheeks. I might not understand a lot about love and…and intimacy but I do know I’m not okay with settling for less than real love.

And I damn sure don’t want to be the thing someone settles for either. I sit on the bed beside my bag and try to get myself under control when a knock has me jumping and rushing to hide the evidence that I’ve been upset.

I pull the door open and stick my head out but there’s nobody there. I shut the door but before I can make my way back to the bed another knock comes. What the hell? No one is on the other side again. When it happens a third time, I’m pissed and make my way down to the living room to find out if Angie, the owner, can help me figure out who else might be in the inn and trying to prank me. I’m in no mood.

I’m thinking about the night ahead and how in the world I’m going to get through it when hands land in the middle of my back. A quick shove sends me off balance. I’m too close to the top of the stairs to have any hope of not going down the ornate staircase. For a matter of seconds, it feels like everything stops and hangs in the air as I look at the stairs laid out in front of me and feel the presence behind me. And all I can think about is Nate.

In my head all I can hear is my own voice yelling out Nate’s name as the steps rise up to meet me and I tumble down them. The sound of Nate’s name echoes through my head until I hit the bottom and blackness surrounds me like the ocean closing in over the head of a drowning person. The dark takes me down until nothing else matters but the sweet oblivion that’s too powerful for me to fight against.

My next conscious memory is being lifted from the floor, everyone is so loud, and my head is banging so hard I don’t dare open my eyes. And then I feel it, just a light pressure on my lips. I would freak out, since you know, I’ve been thrown down the stairs by someone so it would be a little freaky if it were that person who was trying to kiss me but I don’t have to wonder.

I recognize whose lips are pressed to mine, whose breath is fanning out over my wet lips teasing and enticing. “Nova…”

I know that voice. It’s the person I called out to when I thought I was going to die. And now he’s here, kissing me and offering me comfort. Not asking for anything in return. I moan into his mouth. The mouth that was on me right before everything went all wonky and weird. But this time, not one weird thing - no weird storms, no electric spark, no popped light bulbs. Just the soft touch of his mouth to mine.

I sink into the feeling and the safety he’s offering me. Our mouths meld together, and our tongues touch and spar back and forth until my body starts heating up. Liquid fire settles in my lower stomach and my body turns heavy, my breasts tightening and tingling like they are calling out for his touch, and he does not disappoint. His hand cups one of my breasts causing me to gasp around his tongue and arch into his touch.

I never realized a touch could feel so good, so freeing even while it wraps invisible tendrils around my soul holding me to him. Heat infuses my body until I can’t catch my breath without pulling my mouth away from his. He takes the opportunity to explore, skimming his mouth down the column of my throat before running his hands down my body and back up again. I can’t help but pull him closer and raise my legs to wrap around him. His palm travels over my hip before he wraps his arms around me and we’re rolling, my world turns upside down as he uses his hold on my hips to move me over the swell of his cock.

My head drops back as sensations and emotions rush through so powerful I can hear the thumping of my heart beating. The throbbing goes through my whole body until it ends…in my head. “Nova, wake up!”

My eyes flash open and I wish to God I had taken things slower. Thousands of tiny points of pain hit my brain all at the same time. And I have a reason for the throbbing...and it isn't romantic in nature. I gasp before letting a deep-seated moan of pain leave my body. My hands reach out to try to grab for my head only to be restrained at first. Then my vision clears and I notice Nate sleeping beside me, his head on the bed but he’s sitting in a chair.

His eyes flash open and stare at me with an intensity that makes me very aware of what I was…dreaming about. Confusion sets in and I realize both of us are breathing like we…like the dream I was having might not have been a dream. But I’m still dressed and Nate isn’t under me. I try to move my hand again and realize the reason I can’t lift it is because Nate has them wrapped in his.

“Wh…what, um, happened? What’s…” I’m forever confused where he is concerned.

“Did we just…did you dream…?”

A hot blush hits my face and I groan at his question before jerking my hands from his and covering my face. Oh my fucking God! I think we were both…at the same time.

“I would really like the bed to open up and swallow me whole right now.”

“Seems like power isn’t the only thing we can share. No, no. Don’t touch.” He stops me from touching my head on one side. “It’s gonna be sore for quite some time.”

“I…I think I was pushed down the stairs.” I realize it sounds stupid but it’s not like I’m in any shape to make stunning revelations right now.

“When I got there, Angie was holding you with your head in her lap.”

“Is she alright?”

He nods. “She chased whoever it was away. She keeps a gun in her knitting box by her chair in the parlor.”

I relax a little knowing someone else wasn’t hurt. Then I realize the bed I’m lying in isn’t the one I’ve been sleeping in at the inn. “Where, um, am I?”

“My house.”

Before I can ask another question the Sheriff comes in. Nate stands but doesn’t leave my side. “Don.”
