Page 18 of Cauldrons & Curses

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I pull up one of the chairs that sits in front of the fireplace and plop into it.

“What are you doing?”

“Sitting,” I say matter-of-factly, even though I understand what she is asking. Looking at the tiredness in her eyes I decide to tell her without her having to ask again. “I have to stay close to monitor your concussion, so unless you want me to crawl in there with you…”

“But…you’re just going to sit in the chair all night long?”

“Well, what’s left of the night. And after for as long as you need to rest.” The sun will be up soon, but I don’t want her to focus on that. I want her to rest. She needs to rest.


I move her chin up so she can take a good look at my face, “Never be sorry.”

It’s my job to care for her. I know that deep in my soul. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I don’t want her to be sorry for needing me. I watch as her eyes close for longer and longer periods of time until she’s finally asleep. I set an alarm so I could be sure to wake her if I fell asleep.

I spend the rest of the night watching her as she rests, as she moves in my bed. I try to fight off the need I feel for her, the urge I have to get closer to her, to touch her. Her body sliding against the silk sheets is a constant temptation for me. I want. For the first time in my life, I want something so hard, so deeply, I can taste it. But like I told her before she slipped into sleep, she needs rest more than anything. There will be time. Time to show her what it means to be soulmates, what it will be like when someone like me loves her, and what being together feels like.

I wake her a few times before finally dozing myself. In the late morning, I finally slip away to shower before I come back to check on her again. When I come out, she’s sitting up in bed. Her eyes move over me like the soft brush of fingertips, and I have to fight back a shiver as I think of her running her nails across my skin.

I didn’t put a shirt on because I thought I would have time to grab one before she woke up so now her eyes land on me and the room heats up several degrees as that electrical aura that surrounds us sparks and pops. She doesn’t look like she needs rest now. She looks like she might be yearning for the same thing I am.

“Ready to eat?”

Her eyes widen and come to mine. “You mean… breakfast? Right?”

I give her a half-cocked smile before moving closer to her. Yeah, breakfast. That’s exactly what I meant. Only I was thinking of making her my breakfast. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you downstairs before I do something not so nice.”

I scoop her up. Her arms go around my neck as her warmth settles against me. By the time I have her down the stairs and in the kitchen, my control has been severely tested. As soon as I have her little ass situated on a bar stool at the island, I’m turning her so I can put my mouth on hers. It shocks her enough that she gasps allowing me into her sweetness.

I pull from her only long enough to whisper in her ear, “You have no idea what’s coming.”

I pull back to look down into her eyes, at the shock and heat there, before taking her mouth again. This time I let some of the possessiveness I try to hold back seep out. My hands sink into her hair so I can control the tilt of her head as I take the kiss even deeper until we’re not just kissing but sharing the same air with one another.

“Not in the kitchen.” Brian’s voice breaks over us like a bucket of cold water and when I finally pull away from Nova to give him a go-to-hell stare all he does is shrug, “It’s where we eat for goodness sakes.”

I bite down on my cheek to keep from saying anything about that. I do plan to have Nova in the kitchen laid out like an expensive dessert, meant to be savored and lingered over. But that’s for another time. I go around the island and make her a plate piled with food. She’s going to need all of her energy for later.

Chapter Fifteen



At some point, Nate puts on a sweater of cobalt blue that just looks like it would be so soft, and thank God he did. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on eating if he hadn’t. That kiss… was unlike any we’d shared before. There was a new element of it that was shocking…and utterly erotic. There was just something about it that left me weak-kneed and wanting more, wanting to find out where it would lead, what he meant about what was coming. The words could have been a threat, but something tells me there wasn’t anything but promise in the rawness of his kiss, the boldness of his touch, the possessiveness in his arms as they wrapped around me to pull me closer.

By the time we’re done, I think I have myself under control only to lose it again when he lifts me out of my chair again and carries me away. “You do realize there’s nothing wrong with my legs.”

“Yeah, but you could be dizzy.”

“But I’m not.” My words do no good. He’s not putting me down until he gets me to the destination he’s picked out for me.

He takes us to a room right off the kitchen. The whole place has plants everywhere. And when he takes us to the very middle of the room, the floor is a little koi pond in the shape of a tear drop or leaf. I can’t help but gasp and try to wiggle my way down so I can take a better look.

“Oh, my goodness, what is this? It’s beautiful?”

“It’s the conservatory.”

