Page 24 of Cauldrons & Curses

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“You…have what you want. No one else needs to be hurt.” My words echo those of Deliverance.

“Stupid woman! Did you really think I wouldn’t get what I wanted? I’m Justin Amos. I’ll always get what I want.”

He raises a gun and points right at me.

Take him to the cliff. Take him to the cliff and call the lightning.

I shake my head again trying to quieten the voice. Justin notices something is going on with me.

“What’s wrong with you? Are you on drugs?”

I start backing up, getting ready to run. “I’m just a little confused. You didn’t shoot the other women. Why shoot me, Amos?”

“I don’t plan to shoot you, Nova. I plan to keep you until I tire of you and then choke the life out of you slowly until there’s nothing left of your evilness to tempt me any longer.”

“You do realize I’ll never go with you willingly. You’ll have to use the gun.”

“Not if I threaten your lover, little Nova. Then you’ll come willingly, won’t you?”

I don’t say a word. He’s not wrong. I would go with him anywhere to keep Nate safe.

“Jezabel! Harlot! You belong to me!”

I back up even further and turn to run through the trees. Leading Justin even further away from Nate. Overhead the sky splits in two as lightning flashes across the sky making the whole area flash from night to day and back again in a split second. As I run, visions flash through my mind like the lightning over me. Snapshots of another time when a woman just like me ran to keep the love of her life safe.

Images of Deliverance running through the woods with rain pouring down on her, feeling her heart thump and her fear try to eat her alive as Amos stomps through the forest behind her crowd my mind. She falls and so do I, slipping in the mud as pellets of rain fall down making my run even more perilous.

Use the lightning! Focus on seeing it, harness the power! Use the lightning!

My heart is in my throat making it hard to drag in enough air to keep running but I do. Until I come to the hill, bare of any trees and probably the highest point on the island.

Go to the top, child.

An image of Deliverance shimmers in the space between the raindrops causing her to waiver in front of me. I start climbing up the hill, slipping every so often but never stopping. Once at the top, I stop before I run off the edge which falls far, far below to the crashing ocean.

I spin to look at Amos/Justin coming up the hill. I square my shoulders and work on catching my breath through my fear and panic. He comes to stand in front of me with hate and rage filled eyes.

“Fuck strangling you! I’ll just go ahead and shoot you, Satan’s bitch!”

He raises the gun and out of nowhere, Nate steps out of the dark and right in front of me. Just as the gun goes off!


As soon as the bullet hits Nate, I feel it slice through me as if it had struck me. Energy crackles all around us making my hair stand on end and catch in the blowing wind. My fear turns to something more as I gather electricity from all around me. Justin takes on a wild, crazed look as he points the gun again but not at me.


Picture it, Nova, and it will be.

Beside me, Nate reaches up and takes my hand connecting me even more solidly to Deliverance. I let the electricity flow through me using the power me and Nate make between us and focus it all toward Justin. I watch as a long streak of lightning cuts through the air…and hits Justin in the chest. I see the look of fear and panic now in his eyes as the lightning courses through his body, charring his skin and singeing his hair. His eyes bulge and I close my own, not wanting to see the outcome of what lightning can do to a human body.

After the heat from the lightning dissipates I drop to my knees and focus on Nate.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” We both draw back in surprise as we both nearly shout the question to one another at the same time.

His hands run over my body checking me as I place mine over the wound in the fleshy part of his shoulder. Our mouths find one another and meld together in a kiss that would make the lightning jealous of the heat we produce.

“What the hell…?” The night comes alive with strobing lights and the sound of sirens echoing off the trees and stone. We look over at where Don is standing close to the burnt body of Justin. “Is this…?”
