Page 26 of Cauldrons & Curses

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“The Halloween celebration?” I didn’t think my mother knew about how big Stone Island did Halloween. Then another face takes all my attention away from Mom. “Dani? Danielle is that you? That’s my sister, Nate!”

Danielle comes running over pulling me into a tight hug. By the time I turn to look at Nate everyone in town has gathered around us. “Nate?” “Nova Christine Newman, will you marry me?”

I’m still a little lost. I thought I already agreed to marry him. He gave me a ring and everything. “I will.”



It slowly starts to sink in. He’s brought my mom and sister here so we can get married. Now. I look around at all the smiling faces and my heart melts a little. This island…it’s adopted me, taken me, and made me one of its own. All in the space of a couple of weeks. Annabeth and Ruth hold up a bouquet and veil when I look over at them, showing me they are more than ready to help.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you tonight. Here. Among our family and friends, the people that care about us the most. I would love to say ‘I do’ right here and now.”

Nate pulls me in tight for a hug and heart-melting kiss before yelling out, “Places everybody! Let’s have ourselves a wedding!”

We have a beautiful wedding and reception while the children of the island run and play and shout out “Trick or Treat! Trick or Treat!”

I came to the island in search of a witch. I didn’t believe in magic or the unexplained. And I found not just my witch but my place in the world. So, is magic real? If you ask me it is. I see it every day in the face of the man I love, in the smiling portrait of Deliverance and Nathanial, in the town made from the love of a man and a woman long, long ago. I’m a believer and I hope everyone gets the chance to find their own little bit of magic because without it the world is a very dark place and I have found I prefer the light of a love even time can’t kill or dim.

Epilogue II


One Year Later



One year ago I married the love of my life in front of the entire island and now we’re taking our newborn baby out to celebrate her first Halloween. And she is not having it. Her little legs kick up a storm and putting this cat costume on her is a lot like putting a wig on a pig.

“Dee, come on now. Just let me…put…the…yes! I got her arms in!”

Behind me, my wife giggles and waits for me to finish. I’m dressing the baby so Nova can finish up one more chapter before we leave for the celebrations. She’s almost finished with the latest book in her mystery series. She started writing mystery stories soon after we got married and the first one is flying off the shelves. It’s set on our very own little island and several people from town show up in the series -much to their delight.

Downstairs we hear Brian answer the door after the bell alerts us Dani has arrived. She moved here about four months after we married. She says she just fell in love with the people and scenery, but I think Don might have a bigger part to do with her move than anything else.

“Hello lovebirds! Please don’t be doing anything inappropriate. I’m just here to help get the baby ready.”

I speak before my wife can, “Dani! We’re in the nursery. Come help put the other arm in this cat costume.”

The two sisters hug before Dani comes over to kiss and play with the baby. Dee totally betrays our father/daughter bond and lets her aunt slip her into the damned cat costume without a fuss. Damn it. Before we have a chance to gather everything together to set off Brain is blocking the door.

“What is it, old man? What’s wrong?”

“I have an announcement and I had to wait until you two were in the same room.” Somehow I don’t think he’s talking about me and Nova but rather Nova and Dani. “I’m getting married.”

“Oh my God! Brian that’s wonderful…” he holds his hand up when Nova goes to hug him, “Wait there’s something you need to know. It might change your want to hug me.”

“Brian, nothing will make us change our feelings towards you. Nothing.” My wife ignores his caution and goes to offer him a quick squeeze.

“It’s to your mother.”

“What?!” Dani shouts it out so loud the baby starts crying thinking something is wrong. I take our small bundle from Dani and calm her down. “You mean our mother. The mother that lives in the city.”

“Oh no, Brian! Are you leaving?” Leave it to my wife to care more about not seeing Brian than anything else.

“No! Marge is moving here. I wanted you two to know because…well, I want your blessing before we go through with the wedding.” He turns to Dani with hope in his eyes. “I want you to understand, I will make sure she is treated like a queen. She will never know a day of…”
