Page 24 of Demon

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Chapter Nineteen



I have four wonderful days with my Demon. But like a dark cloud hanging over everything, the fact Halloween is looming weighs heavy on me. It’s hard to push something as large as being killed to the back of your mind. They’re moving us today, so we won’t be so easy to find. Me and my dad.

We’ve decided to by car instead of on the back of a bike, so me and Demon are in one car while my dad is riding in another behind us. At a certain point on the route, the cars will break up and go separate ways. We’ll meet back up again after Halloween. In the car with us is one of the members of the Sons named Pyro and another named Grimm.

The men wouldn’t let any of the women come even though it pissed them all off they couldn’t be with me. Over the course of four days, I’ve grown close to Lilith and the rest of the wives of the Sons. They call themselves the Daughters of Order, a little play on the fact the wives tend to hold everything together for the men. I inch my hand over the seat and touch Demon’s hand. He goes further and takes mine in his bringing it to his lips for a kiss.

“Don’t worry, angel. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

It’s not me I’m worried about. I worry about my father. I worry about Demon and what he is willing to do to keep me safe. I worry about what’s going to happen when the threat is over and it’s just me and Demon - no need for him to keep his eyes on me anymore. Will he still want me as much as he does now? God, I hope so. I hope this is real, as real for him as it is for me.

My thoughts are abruptly shut down when the car we are in is jostled. The men up front start moving, their whole demeanor changing, telling me immediately something isn’t right. When another jolt comes to the back of the SUV, it’s not something that can be ignored. They’ve come for me.

We're hit again and the car goes spinning off the road, but Pyro gets it back on the pavement only to start wrestling with the wheel again. “Oh, son of a bitch! They’re shooting at the tires.”

The car starts to roll off balance and we go over and over through the dead leaves and dirt until everything goes black. When I come to, it’s to find the car has come to a stop up against a small tree on its roof. I’m being yanked from inside by hurtful hands giving me a pretty good idea who is trying to extract me. Not a friend, that’s one thing for sure.

“Get out, bitch!”

Yeah, it was a good call about it not being a friend. I’m finally pulled free and dragged up on my feet. I stumble as my legs give out under me. I think my head is bleeding but I can’t be sure since my hands are wrenched behind my back and I’m pushed away from the overturned car to another waiting on the road.

My heart pounds as my stepmother steps out holding one of the doors open for the person to put me inside. My mind, even if it is foggy and slow, can only think about Demon.


Like my brain has conjured him out of thin air, Demon is standing in front of one of the open doors to the SUV.

“You pussy!” The word is spit out like venom.

The man pulling me turns and loosens his grip on my wrists. “What the fuck did you just say?”

“You heard me, or did you have the strap-on your old lady throws it to you with shoved too far in your ear.” Behind Demon one of the men starts laughing as he stands up straight. I think it’s Pyro. “Your old lady got you out of prison so you could kill her husband and when you failed she gave you a defenseless girl. There is no way that bitch isn’t throwing you the plastic dong after that.”

“You…,” he raises the gun to aim it at Demon causing the fog in my mind to clear like the sun on a summer morning.

“No!” I shout it so loud I make my own head ring.

“Oh, what? Are you gonna shoot me like a pussy?” Demon doesn’t show any sign of fear. He steps out away from the car with his hands out to the side, not in a gesture of submission but of one taunting and laughing at the man. “You couldn’t handle me in prison. What makes you think you can take me now in a hand-to-hand fight? Better use the gun, pussy. Wouldn’t want you to break a nail?”

On the other side of the car, Pyro is trying to help Grimm out. He laughs again, goading Snake along with Demon. “Break a nail. That’s a good one. I got to tell the others about that one.”

“You want to fight me, bitch. You want to go, we’ll go. I don’t need a fucking gun to kill your sorry ass.”

“Snake! Don’t!”

“Ooh better listen to your old lady, Snake. Sounds like you might be taking it with no lube tonight if you don’t.”

“Stupid bastard! You don’t scare me. You ain’t nothing but an over-hyped myth the guards used to keep stupid fucks in line. ‘Better not hurt us, we’ll call in the Demon.’ Nothin’ but a bunch of pussies. You don’t scare me.”

“Then shut your dick sucker and step into my hell!”

He shoves me to the gravel and drops the gun as he goes for Demon. “Snake! You ass! Stick to the plan. They’re just trying to distract you so the others will have time to show up, you idiot.”

“Shut up, woman! I can take care of this with my bare hands.”
