Page 25 of Demon

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He goes for Demon who meets him punch for punch until the two men are both on the ground. Vicki gets out of the car and goes for the gun still lying on the ground as she just keeps bitching at Snake.

“Snake, you simple-minded asshole. I told you to stick to the plan. We have the daughter; Ed will follow, and I’ll end him while you have fun with her. It’s taking too long.”

She raises the gun and points it at the two men. Demon is on top of Snake beating the hell out of him which means she’s pointing the gun at my Demon. Some of the propensity for violence I’ve seen in my father and Demon rises up inside of me and I grab a handful of gravel from where I’m sitting. I fling it at Vicki’s face, especially her eyes.

She cries out and lowers the gun giving me time to rush at her and knock her to the ground. She screams out even as I curl my fingers up and my arm shoots out to punch her in her fake-as-fuck face.

“You bitch! That’s my man you’re aiming at.” I hit her again and she goes limp underneath me. The other SUV pulls up right as Demon shoves Snake into a gas main close to the utility poles on the side of the road.

And then…my world turns upside down quicker than it did in the flipping car. Something happens and a spark lights along the ground. “Demon!”

I stand to run for him but am held back by my father and Odin. A ball of fire belches from the ground and then everything turns bright and blinding as the scream I let out echoes in my ears.

I hit the ground being brought to my knees by the fear eating at my heart. It stops beating in my chest as I watch everything set ablaze in front of me. And then…a black shadow forms in the blaze. And suddenly, someone walks out of the fire. A tall someone who I call my own.

I don’t hesitate to run to him. We meet feet away from the blaze and arms wrap around me that I would know anywhere. “Demon! Demon!”

I kiss him over and over again as we sink down to the ground wrapped in each other. “I told you. I would walk through hell to be with you. Nothing is going to keep us apart. Nothing!”

I laugh as tears leak down my face and I touch his face to make sure he really is alright. “Don’t ever do that again.”

Our lips meet as my dad and the other men gather around us. Pyro is the one who speaks first. “Uh, dude, I think your clothes are smoking.”

I look and realize it’s true. Smoke is still coming off Demon’s jacket from where he was recently in the fire. I can’t help but giggle and take another kiss from my Demon, the man who walked through hell to be with me. The man who set the world on fire to keep me safe. As the sound of sirens fills the evening sky Demon pulls back to look me in the eye.

“Marry me.”

“What?” It’s nothing more than a whisper as I look at this man in front of me.

“Marry me. I’m not asking because I don’t want to give you a chance to say no.” My mouth falls open. “I didn’t want to do this until all this shit was over but this seems like the perfect time. Marry me, be with me forever, angel. Because no one is going to love you more, go further to show you how special you are than me.”

And just like that…the fear of Halloween falls away and my heart soars as I wrap my arms around him and give him my answer.

“Yes! Yes! Yes, my Demon! I will stay with you forever. I love you.”

This angel will forever be in the arms of her Demon. Right where I belong! And who can be afraid of a night when you have your very own Demon by your side?



One Year Later


I hug my wife and drop a kiss on the top of her head. She gives me a smile, a beautiful beam of sunshine from an angel. An angel who has her hands full of pumpkin guts. Our little baby girl sits in a bassinet beside her laughing and giggling at her mom making funny faces.

The other women, all members of the Daughters of Order, are sitting around covered equally in guts. Children are everywhere, some toddling while others are in carriers and bassinets of their own. And the big, tough men who are better suited on the backs of bikes…playing with the ones in the playpens and hanging lights.

The Sons and Daughters are decorating the City Center for the Halloween party being thrown here tonight. Some of us will be here while others will be doing patrols with the police to keep bad things from happening tonight.

That’s right, I’m a full member now. Joined not too long after the incident with Snake and Vicki. And just before the wedding which happened at Christmas because I couldn’t think of a better time to marry my angel than Christmastime with the snow falling all around us and our friends and loved ones all together. Our little baby girl was born just eight months after that.

“Your father going to be here tonight, angel?”

“Probably. You know he’s got his eye on Cindy.” She rolls her eyes. No one calls the girl by her name except for Eden. Everyone else calls her Cinnamon. And they are about the same age. Ed is over the hill for her too. She starts giggling, “No, he’ll be here a little later on to help set things up. She should already be here, though.”

She looks around until she finds her and gives her a smile and a thumbs up where Cindy is setting up the pie booths. Cindy sees and comes running over to Eden.
