Page 88 of Teach Me

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“Never underestimate Aiden.” I was casual about the whole thing. It had gotten to a point that I’d pretty much learned their sexual habits. “Alyssa usually wants to take a break to eat around about now. That will hopefully prompt them to leave the house.”

“Oh, is that right?” Jackson smiled brightly, stealing a tortilla chip from the bowl I had ready. Narrowing my eyes, I pushed the bowl to the side, out of his reach. “Hey man, you put the food out. I thought it was for everyone?” He dusted the remnants from his hand onto his shirt. “Besides, I didn’t think you ate things like that?”

“I don’t, but Aster does.”

“Ah, she has a name.” He threw his hands up, looking at Matty for the same excitement. He was all too excited for a guy that was supposed to be going to a sports bar in an hour. “Who is she? I don’t think I’ve seen or heard of an Aster at any of Aiden’s parties.”

“You haven’t. It’s not exactly her scene.”

“It’s not? Did you get yourself an older woman? Not gonna lie. Have you seen that girl Kinsey walking around campus?” He gave me an okay sign with his fingers. “Girl is hot.”

I glared at him. “Aster’s a sophomore.”

“Yeah, but she’s planning on graduating next year, right?” Matty piped up.

“Oh, you know her too.”

“Everyone knows Aster Paige. She’s Library girl.”

Jackson shook his head, laughing. “The last time I stepped into a library was when I was lost on my first day and I thought it was a dorm.”

“How are you still here when you don’t study?”

He shrugged. “I think it’s something to do with my photographic memory.” He tapped his head. “Comes in handy for other things.” Winking, I ignored his innuendo.

My phone buzzed, and I checked the message. “That’s not her canceling, is it?”

“Why do you sound hopeful?”

“Because that chicken parm smells delicious.”

“No. It’s my sister.” Jackson’s jovial smile fell slightly.

“What does she want?”

“She’s apparently at Covey’s Cantina and wants me to join her.”

“On her own?”

“I assume so, since the only friend I know she has is coming here.”

“What are you going to say back?”

I shrugged. “That she’ll have to find someone else to hang out with. I’m busy.”

A loud bang drew our attention to the stairs, and I wasn’t surprised to see Aiden and Alyssa making their way down them like they’d drunk a few too many beers. They weren’t drunk on alcohol. I knew that much. But at least they were predictable, and I knew they’d be out of here for a few hours.

“Hey, guys,” Alyssa said brightly as she got to the bottom step. “Something smells delicious.”

Aiden wrapped his shoulder around her. “Not as delicious as you.”

I cringed. Jackson pretended to vomit. Matty’s nose twitched as he looked anywherebutAlyssa.

“Please. We get enough involvement in your sex games. We’d rather not have to get graphic descriptions of them, too.”

“That wasn’t graphic,” Aiden retorted. “If you want graphic, then how about I tell you what kind of piercing-”

Alyssa covered his mouth. “That’s enough, Aiden. Weren’t you going to take me to dinner?”
