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“You can have the other spare room,” she told him. “It’s not so nice but—”

“It’ll be fine,” he cut in, smiling. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” She’d already considered the possibility. She just hadn’t expected it to become a reality.It still might not. It’s early days.“Maybe you can move in a couple of weeks before the due date so you’re around in case the baby comes early, and then we can reevaluate after three months?”

His smile turned wry. “I should have known you’d need a concrete plan rather than a vague agreement.”

“Is there a problem with that?”

He shrugged. “Sometimes it’s easier to play things by ear.”

“Agree to disagree.” She felt like she was floundering when she didn’t know what came next. She was already in over her head. She needed plans, steps, and lists, so she could keep stable during what was sure to be a turbulent time.

He cleared his throat. “Speaking of planning, I want to be there for as many medical appointments as possible.”

“No problem.” She’d hoped he’d say that. While she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, it was always scary to go through a massive physical change, and it would be nice to have him there to distract her. She bit her lip, knowing what else she needed to say but dreading how he’d react.

“Spit it out,” he said good-naturedly. “I can practically see steam coming out your ears from how hard you’re thinking.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t want you bringing any flings home once you move into my place. I don’t care what you do elsewhere, but there won’t be any random women parading through my baby’s life.”

Okay, that first bit was a lie. She did care. She didn’t like to think of him with anyone else. But she knew who and what he was, and they weren’t together. She could hardly expect him to be celibate. One day, she might want to date too, although she doubted it would be for a while yet.

“Fine,” he said easily. Too easily. He was probably thinking he could just pick them up in the bar and take them to his apartment instead. Even if he lived with her, she assumed he’d keep the apartment for later. Why did the image of him and some unknown woman hurt?

Because you’re an idiot who wants more than he can give.

That brought her neatly to her next point.

“No sex,” she said.

He frowned. “Excuse me?”

“Between you and me,” she clarified. “Obviously I don’t get to dictate your sex life, but you and I should avoid doing anything that might muddy the waters.”

“Is that right?” An unholy light entered his eyes. “I’ve heard some women get horny during pregnancy. I won’t make any moves on you, but if you ask me for it, all bets are off.”

“Logan.” Her voice was flat.

He shrugged. “It’s not my fault if you can’t resist me, and I refuse to turn you down if you need me.”

Gritting her teeth, she sighed. It wasn’t the answer she’d hoped for, but she supposed she’d just have to make sure she held onto enough self-control to keep her distance.

Yeah, because you exercised so much self-control when you got yourself into this mess.

* * *

Logan would never admitit to Gabby, but the thought of sitting down to dinner with her parents made him break out in a cold sweat. He used to have nightmares about accidentally getting a woman pregnant, and now his dumb ass had actually done it. He doubted Dennis and June were thrilled with him. Somehow, it seemed even more difficult to face them because they weren’t strangers. They knew him—at least a little—and their opinion of him had probably taken a sudden plunge off the edge of a cliff.

He was uncharacteristically quiet while they prepared dinner. Gabby had cooked a creamy tomato pasta bake and steamed vegetables, while he’d been in charge of the chicken. She’d also arranged for Shane and Faith to join them, although the boys were having sleepovers with friends. That was probably for the best because Logan wasn’t convinced Shane wouldn’t take another shot at him.

Dinner was nearly finished cooking when Gabby’s parents arrived.

“Would you like to keep an eye on this while I go and let them in?” she asked.

“You stay here.” He squared his shoulders. “I’ll get them.”

Even if he was silently shitting himself, he’d own up to his part in this and not let her act as a shield. The sooner they got through the worst of it, the sooner they could move on. He marched to the front door, Thelma bouncing wherever he tried to put his feet. He hesitated for only a few seconds before plastering a smile on his face and opening the door.
