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She stared in horror. That absolute bastard. What the hell was he doing here and why did he seem so comfortable about it? She’d never expected to see him again, but whenever she’d let herself consider it, she’d thought he’d at least have the decency to be wary of her.

She lunged for the nursery door as she heard the front door click open and the dogs start barking. The asshole hadn’t even knocked. He thought he could just walk straight in. She yanked the door open and stepped into the hall. To her delight, Louise was yapping frantically and Thelma didn’t seem inclined to let Henry further into the house.

“Gabby.” His face sagged with relief. “I don’t know what’s got into them.” He knelt and reached for Louise, who danced out of reach and continued barking furiously. “Come on girl, we’re friends.”

“No, you’re not.” Her voice shook, but hopefully he wouldn’t notice. “How are you here? I didn’t give you my new address.”

He stood and shifted his focus from the dogs to her. “I went to your place but someone else was living there. Your colleagues told me you’d moved to Haven Bay.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But I didn’t give them my address either.”

He shrugged. “I went to the town center and asked an old lady if she knew where I could find you. She gave me directions.”

Rage heated Gabby’s gut. “So you manipulated an innocent woman into giving you my details so you could stalk me? How dare you.”

He scrunched his nose. “I’m not stalking you, babe.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You’re here, at my house, where you were most definitely not invited, and you walked in without even knocking.” She wrapped herself in a growing layer of fury because that was safer than listening to whatever he’d come to say. “I thought I made it clear I don’t want anything to do with you.”

One side of his mouth lifted in a wry smile. “You mean when you keyed my Mercedes and told Vanessa I was a cheating dirtbag?”

“I don’t admit to keying your Mercedes.” If not a participant, she’d at least been an accomplice, but she’d never admit it. Who knew what his plan was? Maybe he was recording their conversation so he could try and get the money out of her for repairs. He’d loved that car, and he clearly wasn’t driving it anymore, so perhaps it was waiting for work. Although she’d have thought that would have been sorted out ages ago. It had been nearly six months, after all.

“Speaking of Vanessa,” she continued. “Shouldn’t you be at home with her? You know, the fiancée you never told me about because you didn’t give a shit about me—or her—and you’re a cheating asshole who only thinks with his dick?”

He took a step closer, shooting a look of surprise at Thelma when she growled. “I left Vanessa.” His expression softened and became beseeching. “I realize now that I should have broken up with her as soon as I met you. It’s you that I want, Gabby.” He hesitated, then added softly, “It’s you that I love.”

Her breath caught. “Don’t say that.”

He didn’t love her. If he did, he’d never have made her into the other woman. He’d either have left her alone, or ended things with Vanessa before asking her out. But he knew she wanted a Hallmark happily ever after, and he was flaunting the possibility in front of her. How cruel, to taunt her with what she’d always wanted when she knew it wasn’t real.

“Why not?” he asked. “It’s true.” His gaze swept down her, and for the first time, he seemed to notice the slight roundness of her belly that had developed over the past few weeks. He gasped. “Are you…?”

“Am I what, Henry? Fat? Yes, thank you, I’ve gained a little weight.” She wouldn’t tell him about the babies. He didn’t deserve to know.

“You’re pregnant,” he whispered, moving toward her despite the dogs making a fuss between them. “Is it mine?”

He touched her belly, and she jerked away. For some reason, his touch made her feel dirty. He came forward again, but before he could lay another hand on her, he was dragged away from behind.

* * *

Logan sawred as he manhandled the guy who’d laid his hands on Gabby.HisGabby. He’d arrived just in time to hear the man ask if the baby was his. Screw that. Logan inserted himself between them, pleased when Louise nipped at the man’s calf, and wrapped his arm around Gabby. His heart pounded in his ears as he glared at Gabby’s ex. A flash of recognition set in. It was Henry Gosling, the famous cricketer. No wonder the Walker family had been tight-lipped about the relationship. Gosling was engaged, and had been since…

Oh, shit.

Since about the time Gabby moved here. They must have been dating and he’d left her for the other woman. Now he was here, trying to touch her as if it was his right, and asking if their babies were his. Well, he could fuck right off. He’d had Gabby and he’d crushed her. As far as Logan was concerned, Henry’s loss was his gain and now he needed to make it clear that the cheating asshole had overstayed his welcome.

“Who are you?” Henry demanded, his fists balled at his sides. Logan almost wanted him to throw a punch. If he did, it would give Logan a reason to do the same.

“I’m the babies’ father,” he said. “They’re mine, and so is she.” Not exactly true, but Henry didn’t know that. “You lost your chance. She deserves better than what you did to her.”

Beside him, Gabby made a soft sound of surprise. Probably because he’d made it sound as though he knew more about their history than he actually did.

Henry’s expression darkened as he looked from Logan to Gabby. “You’re really with this guy?”

Logan caught Gabby’s eye, hoping she could read the silent message he was sending her.

She turned back to Henry. “Yes. I’m with Logan, and I’m happy. I’ve got everything I wanted, and everything that you promised me when you weren’t in a position to do so. Please take your fancy car and get the hell out of here before I decide to make it match your Merc.”
