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“Maybe we should start with the pizza,” she suggested. “I called your mum to ask what type your favorite is. I hope that’s okay.”

“God, yes,” he said. “If it’s any good, I might go pick out a ring.”

She rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Because pizza is the determining factor of relationship success.”

“Hey.” He tilted her chin up with his finger. “It’s not the pizza. It’s the fact that you went to the trouble of finding out what I like and making it even when you had every reason not to leave bed today. I’d be a lucky bastard if I got to marry a woman who’d do that for me.” Her cheeks flushed, and he kissed her forehead. “Let’s eat pizza, and then we can have cupcakes for dessert.”

He bent and swept her into his arms.

“Hey!” she protested. “What are you doing?”

“Taking care of my girl,” he said. “You’ve spent enough time on your feet today. You need to rest.” He carried her to the sofa and gently set her down, then stacked two plates with pizza and gave one to her. He sat beside her and pulled a blanket over their legs. Thomas jumped onto the arm of the sofa and tried to get to the food. Logan waved him off, chuckling as the cat tried to duck under his arm.

He bit into a slice and his eyes widened as he ate it. “This is really good.”

“It has the Walkers’ super-secret sauce recipe,” Gabby said smugly.


She smirked. “No. I found the recipe online.”

They finished their meal in contented quiet, then Logan took the plates to the kitchen, washed them, and returned with cupcakes. They snuggled together as they enjoyed the treats, which she and Shane had apparently bought from Megan at The Shack and redecorated. When they were done, Gabby cuddled against his chest.

He breathed in her scent, hardly able to believe that this was real. He finally had the woman he’d been hung up on, and he was excited for their babies to arrive in the world.

Mouse climbed into Gabby’s lap and curled into a ball. Logan smiled. His life was pretty damn perfect.


Childbirth wasn’tfor the faint of heart. Gabby felt wrung out and exhausted. She could barely lift her limbs, and she hurt in places she’d never hurt before. But seeing her two babies—Devin and Samantha—made everything worth it. She watched through a film of weariness as the nurse cleaned Devin, wrapped him in a blanket, and handed him to Logan.

Logan gazed at the little boy with such awe that she fell in love with him all over again. He’d been her rock throughout the past hours while she battled to bring their children into the world. He’d never left her side, even when she’d threatened to break his fingers and cut off certain appendages.

“Here, Mummy. Would you like to hold Samantha?” The nurse appeared at her side with the little girl bundled against her chest.

“Yes, please.” She tried to take the baby, but her arms were too weak.

“You just stay right there and let me position you.” The nurse shifted her into place and lowered Samantha gently onto her.

Gabby held her daughter for the first time, her throat tight, her heart full. “I love you, Samantha,” she whispered. “You and your brother are going to be the most spoiled babies in all of Haven Bay.”

“Can I see her?” Logan asked, his voice hoarse with emotion. He approached them with Devin and smiled down at Samantha and Gabby. “You did good, sweetheart. They’re perfect.”

Gabby overflowed with love, and tears slipped down her cheeks. “They really are.”

There was a knock on the door and another nurse stuck her head in. “Are you up to seeing visitors?” she asked. “There are some people out here who can’t wait to meet the twins.”

Gabby caught Logan’s eye and nodded. She sniffed and wiped her cheeks. She was tired, but she’d love to see their family. The door opened wider and the nurse ushered the entire Walker and Pride families inside. They clustered around the bed, exclaiming over the babies and congratulating the new parents. Gabby leaned back against the pillow and closed her eyes. She and Logan may never have expected to end up here, but she knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. She was living her dream, and this was only the beginning.

“Are you okay?” Logan murmured near her ear.

She turned her face toward him for a gentle kiss. “I’ve never been better.”

