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“Be careful what you agree to,” I said softly.

She said, “Ryker, this is my country. I know what I am saying.” Then she turned to Bennett. “You understand, don’t you? You served your country in the military. You took orders and your life was on the line, but you did so for your country.”

“I did.”

Then she looked back at me. “I might not be a soldier, but I love my country. Whatever I can do to make sure Mombo and anyone like him is stopped and made to pay for the crimes, I’ll do.”

“Good. I want the two of you to go out in public together,” Bennett said.

“Are you crazy? You just brought her here to keep her safe. Now you want to send her out there as what? Bait for a trap? Cause there’s no fucking way I’m going to let that happen,” I snarled.

I could feel my entire body tense.

“Not as bait. As a statement. That she isnotat the hospital and she is here with you. It will get the pressure and threat off anything happening at the hospital, and...”

“Bring it to the resort,” I said.

“A place that has such tight security, no one is getting in here, not even Mombo,” he said.

“I don’t like it,” I replied.

“I do,” Meri said. “If it means that he will leave everyone at the hospital alone, then I will do it. I can’t have my nurses' lives in danger.”

“Good. Then I guess the two of you will be going out for dinner. I’ll make all the arrangements so that my men are in place watching everything. Maybe even a stroll down the main street so that you are noticed. Remember, the purpose is to be noticed. Make sure people know that you’re together like a couple, and reference the resort often,” he instructed.

“I don’t have anything with me but my nursing uniform,” she said. “Maybe we can stop by my home, and get something I could wear.”

“No. That is too dangerous. I’m sure he is watching your home. I am sure Ziva could bring you some things to wear while you’re here,” he said. “I’ll call her shortly so she can stop and pick a few things up. Do you have any other concerns?”

“Yes. You said you want them to believe we are a couple?”

That was something that had caught my attention as well.

Bennett replied, “Yes. Because Mombo will think that you are so happily involved with Ryker that you’re not even thinking about him. Not looking over your shoulder. He will have no clue that we are watching for you.”

Such a complex plan and I couldn’t picture how this was all going to work, but Meri seemed happy to do it. That surprised me. I asked, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I am, but I can’t answer for you. Are you willing to do this with me? Will you help me keep the hospital safe?” she asked.

Those beautiful brown eyes of hers pleading with me, she could ask me to walk on hot coals and I would.

“Count me all in.” It was a promise I’d never made to another woman.

She kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you, Ryker. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I feel the same way.

Bennett turned to me and said, “I’m going to make all the arrangements. Do you have any questions before I leave?” I shook my head. Before he left, he looked at Meri and said, “I have to ask. Why have you been meeting with Reesa?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she replied.

“Yes, you do.”

She looked at me and I could tell she was afraid to answer. “Please, sweetheart. Just tell us. All Bennett is trying to do is to keep everyone safe. And if there is something he should know, and doesn’t, it makes his job harder.”

“But it is not for me to tell,” she said.

Bennett asked in a soft voice. “Is Reesa sick?”
