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That was bad enough, but if I wasn’t successful in helping Reesa, so many people's lives would be in danger. Anyone who stood firmly with Reesa and her policies would have a target on their back. No one wanted to think what would happen to them then.

“I can’t believe that you’re leaving in two days,” Meri said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

With everything going on, I had failed to mention my change in plans to her. I’d like to be able to say it was a slip of my mind, but it was intentional. My choice to stay was strictly about the election. How do I tell Meri that without sounding like an asshole?

Hell, even thinking about it, I felt like an ass. Delaying it any longer wasn’t going to change anything. She’d figure it out when I didn't go.

“Meri, there’s something I need to tell you,” I started.

She lifted her head and asked, “What is it?”

Choose your words carefully.

“Reesa needs my help. We discussed options, but the only one we could agree on was my staying in Tabiq a little longer. If I go now, there isn't anyone prepared to step in and assist her with the campaign.”

“That’s wonderful news.” She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “You have no idea what this means to me, to Tabiq.” Squeezing even tighter, she added, “Thank you.”

I should have just taken her joyful response and dropped the subject. But nope, I had to put my foot in my mouth and fuck it up.

“I’m glad you understand why I’m here.”

That’s when her grip loosened, and I felt her pull away. Looking up at me she said, “Of course I do. What did you think? That you were staying because of me?” Meri stood up and headed to the bedroom. I followed.

“Where are you going?” I asked as she picked up the belongings she had in my suite.

“To my own room so I won’t disturb you any longer,” she stated, stuffing things into her purse.

“Meri, that’s not what I said.”

“You didn’t have to. It was clear. You’re here to help with the election. Nothing is more important than that. Too much time has already been wasted when you should’ve been more focused.”

“Meri, I have time to do both,” I said.

She spun around and I knew that those weren’t the right words either. “Do both? I didn’t realize I was something you ‘do’. Oh, wait. Yes, I am. I’m someone you swore to protect. But do you know what? While I’m at the resort, I don’t require any additional protection. So, see, your problem is solved. You can concentrate on the campaign, and I can get out of your way.”

I grabbed hold of her wrist as she went to leave. “Please, Meri. You don’t understand what I am trying to say.”

She stopped and turned to me. “Please let go of my wrist,” she said firmly.

I dropped my hand, and said, “Let me explain.”

“No. Just answer one question.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“How long ago did you know you were staying?”

That’s something I didn’t want to tell her, but I also didn’t want to lie. “Since the day we went bowling. It was decided that morning.”

“And at no point between then and now did you think to mention it to me?”

Oh, I thought about it.

“I didn’t know what to say.”

“How about, I’m not leaving. I’m staying to help Reesa. Sounds very simple to me.”

I ran my hand through my hair and asked, “If it is that simple then why are you angry at me?”
