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“Letter? She received a letter as well?” I asked, looking at Ryker. His eyes told me what I needed to know. This wasn’t the first time he had heard about it.

So many secrets. What is the truth?

I was beginning to think I didn’t know the real Ryker. Maybe everything I liked about him was just an act.

“Yes. And she told us not to tell anyone,” Bennett stated.

“Of course not,” I said looking directly at Ryker. He shrugged and I shook my head. “Is there anything else we should know that we’re not supposed to know?” I asked sarcastically.

“I’m sure there are plenty of things, but you know Tabiq. It’s a country that has more secrets than stories,” he said.

That was the truth. I guess I was just hoping for something different with Ryker.

“Thank you for letting me know. Does this mean I’m free to return to my home?” I asked, not sure what I was hoping he’d say.

“If you can give me one more night so I can make sure all loose ends are tied up, then I would say yes,” he said.

“Okay. One more night. And Bennett, thank you for everything.”

“Don’t thank me. Ryker is the one who insisted we keep you here and keep you safe. I’m glad he did. It could’ve ended badly for you if he hadn’t.” He ended the call, and I was left looking at Ryker who was smiling.

“See. I’m really not a bad guy.”

“I never said you were. And thank you for keeping me safe.”

“I know how you can thank me,” he said.

I placed my hands on my hips and snapped, “I’m not having sex with you tonight.”

He laughed. “I was actually going to say you can cook me that dinner that you bragged about.”

I blushed. “Oh. Okay. I can do that tomorrow if you’d like.

“Sounds good. Now as far as tonight, how about we let the resort cook for us?” he suggested.

“I will agree only if you promise not to talk about Reesa, Mombo, or anything to do with any of this crap,” I stated.

“Sounds good to me. We have much better things to talk about like learning more about each other.”

“Like what,” I asked.

“Favorite book, music, movie. A whole list of things,” he replied.

This was the man I was falling in love with. The one who could easily make me forget all the stress of the day. But how was he going to do that when he was thousands of miles away?

I’ll deal with it like I always do. Bury my feelings and pretend I’m a rock.



I’d like to think we made progress last night. We enjoyed a lovely dinner together without discussing anything that would put a wedge between us again. Could we do it again today? Did I want to? Granted, it was nice, but the spark wasn’t there.

She was waiting for me at her house, and I had to show up, even though I was having second thoughts. I wanted to talk to her, really talk. Like we used to. Part of a relationship is having difficult conversations, not just shallow ones. And I had something I needed to talk to her about.

The driver announced we were almost there. I had run out of time, and I was going to have to do this face-to-face.

We pulled up to her house and I told him I’d call when I needed a ride back. This could either be a very short visit or with any luck, I’d only be calling tomorrow.
