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“Why shouldn’t I think that? You do.”

“I’m her father.”

“And her curse.”

Armand laughed. “Maybe.”

“Look, let’s cut the crap. You don’t give two shits about your daughter. The only thing you care about is what you’ve always cared about, your empire.”

“You make me sound like a bad man,” Armand said with a smile.

I laughed.

“Well, here’s the good news. I’m going to let you keep your empire. The only condition is that you get the hell out of my life. And while you’re at it, you’ll stop trying to marry off Eris like this is the 1600s.”

“Do I detect a soft spot for her?”

“What you detect is empathy. She doesn’t deserve what you’re doing to her.”

“I’m doing it for her.”

“You’re doing it for you. Don’t kid yourself.”

Armand smiled. “Maybe I am. Let me tell you, it’s hard to think they’re precious when you have so many.”

I wasn’t sure what Armand was referring to but I didn’t care.

“So, tell me, do we have a deal? Or do I take away your reason for getting up in the morning?”

Armand looked at me.

“Your father would be proud.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that.

“Do we have a deal or not?”

“We do.”

“And you’re gonna let Eris marry who she wants?”

“Only as much as any other father,” he said looking at me with a smirk.

“Fair enough,” I said knowing I had the best deal I could get. “Now, I hope to never see you again,” I told him before turning my back to him and walking off.

Chapter 14


My leg bounced anxiously as I sat on the worn couch in my New Jersey apartment. Staring at my phone, it didn’t ring. It had been hours since I’d fled the beach house at Remy’s insistence, and I hadn’t heard a word from him since.

Waiting for his call, a thousand nightmare scenarios raced through my mind. Had something else gone wrong with the plan? Had Armand discovered what we were up to? Was Remy hurt? Was he dead?

When my phone rang breaking the silence, I nearly jumped out of my skin. The deafening noise bounced off the empty walls. Scrambling to pick it up, my hands shook.

“Hello?” I answered tentatively.

“Dillon, it’s me,” Remy said in a tone that instantly soothed my frayed nerves.

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