Page 10 of 183 Reasons

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It’s just a hand, but somehow when our fingers intertwine, an electrical pulse radiates throughout my body. I’m unsure if he is experiencing what I am, but if he is, this is one ride I’ll never forget.

We walk behind the barn where a giant red tractor sits parked in the dirt. He must sense my hesitation when he surveys my white sneakers and laughs. I have to laugh along with him when I look at my poor choice of shoes, yet again. First the dump and now here.What was I thinking, showing up to a farm with these on?

He holds his chin, grinning in amusement, and bends into a low squat. I take the hint and climb onto his back. I wrap my legs around his trim waist and lock my arms around his broad shoulders and neck. His body rubbing against mine increases the cadence of my heartbeat with every step. I don’t care if mud covers my sneakers; I would have just thrown them in the wash. But I’m willing to pretend if it means I get to hold on to Jackson’s ripped body.

“I’m going to have to warn you, my two-seater is out of commission at the moment, so you will have to ride on my lap for a tour.” He has his arms wrapped around my shins tightly and squeezes them.

Thank god he can’t see my expression because my jaw practically drops. “Of course, I don’t mind! Yeah, yeah, I’m good, no problem. You are giving me my first official tour of an apple orchard, so I’ll sit wherever you need me to.” I cringe as the words stumble out of my mouth.

We approach the tractor backward so I can place my feet on the side rail. While Jackson pulls himself up into the cab, I adjust my shorts and wonder if they were made for tractor rides. I arrange my shirt and yank my ponytail a little tighter. Nerves tingle throughout my body as I envision sitting on Jackson’s lap.

“Hop on up, cutie.” He pats his thick, muscular thighs. I grab hold of his arm, swing one leg over his lap, and shimmy as far back as I can, my body warming against his core. It’s tighter in here than I imagined.

The tractor’s engine roars to life. A few visitors turn their heads in our direction, and Jackson gives them a friendly wave. One couple says something to each other and then throw a smile and nod our way.

The tractor tires tear through the mud, and we make our way up and into the fields. A vast expanse of apple trees come into view, planted in neat rows that continue as far as the eye can see. We maintain silence while Jackson heads toward a line of trees far from the clusters of people enjoying their stroll through the farm.

“How long has your family owned this land?”

“Two hundred years. It’s hard to wrap my head around sometimes, but it’s part of Meriden’s history,” he says, straightening his shoulders.

“Wow, that’s incredible. It’s breathtaking.”

He doesn’t respond, focused on guiding the tractor. I take in our surroundings as Jackson navigates the lane between the apple trees, and it’s a straight-up fact we are both acutely aware of every bump, divot, and hole the tractor tires encounter. With every heave forward and dip of the rig, Jackson keeps one hand on the wheel and the other alternating between the gearshift and my waist, pulling me closer each time.

I’m unsure whether he comprehends that I’m aware of his rock-hard excitement under me. Nevertheless, with every thrust and tug closer to him, my attention wanes from the view and focuses on the pulsing between my thighs.

We continue this way for at least fifteen minutes until we’re at the top of a hill overlooking the entire orchard. When the tractor stops, Jackson kills the engine and puts both his hands on my waist to lift me. He then leads me to the grass. As we walk, he explains the varieties of the trees, slowly growing heavy with baby apples, and the months of the growing and picking seasons. Despite being interested in this information, it’s hard to concentrate while standing within kissing distance of Jackson.

“Come on, I want to show you something.”

He guides me to the hill’s peak where an awe-inspiring panoramic view awaits. You can see the entire valley, crystal clear lakes, and mountain ridges. If you told me this was the top of the world, I’d believe you. The view conjures emotions deep within from the sheer beauty of Mother Nature.

“Solia, I don’t know what you’re doing here or why we continue to run into each other, but I’m happy you are. I saw more of you than I know of you.” He laughs, and the temperature of my face skyrockets. As I cover my cheeks, he seizes my wrists, guides them behind my back, and holds them there. His eyes lock onto mine, fire burning in them.

He steps closer and tilts his head until his breath hovers above my lips. “We don’t know each other well, but I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first moment I saw you.” I nod and instinctively let the world turn dark as he leans in. The softness and urgency of his mouth on mine holds a sweetness I didn’t anticipate craving. He starts with a gentle kiss but within seconds, the fire ignites. He releases my wrists and puts his hands on the back of my thighs, hoisting me into the air, while I wrap both my legs around his waist. His tongue slides into my mouth, and I experience the most sensual, intimate kiss of my life.

I reach for his hat and toss it into the grass. His sexy, wavy hair is loose, and I comb through it, front to back, and weave my fingers together around the base of his neck. The kiss grows harder and faster, and he lifts and pulls me into him as tight as possible. He rubs the back of my thighs, and it takes everything in me not to moan in response.

Hearing the radio static behind us, I’m forced out of the heat and intensity. The kiss slows, and my feet are the only part of me to return to earth. Jackson has me wanting more than he’s given me. The heat in my body won’t be regulating anytime soon.


What the hell am I doing? I want to take this woman right here in the field.

I want this woman in my arms, on my lips. I want her to tell me she’s experiencing the blazing flames I’m struggling to contain. Without even considering the fact that I met Solia mere days ago, already she has me forgetting everything else. I am drawn to her in a way I can’t stop or ignore or explain.

Holding her against me, pressing into her, a yearning surges that I didn’t think possible. I don’t want to stop. My hands find their way to the edge of her cut-off jeans, I explore the fringe with my fingertips, and as I walk to the tractor and lean her against the cab, I hear the radio beeping before transmitting a message.

“Hey, Jackson. We’re a little swamped here and could use another set of hands.” Shannon’s voice rings out loud and clear, and it’s obvious she needs a response. Fantastic timing.

The groan of disappointment vibrates through my chest, and Solia’s smile forms against my lips as she pulls away. Forcing my hands to leave her body is like separating a strip of Velcro. I want to keep them right where they are and continue to explore every inch of her.

“You need to answer that?”

“Yeah, that’s my sister Shannon. She helps out on the weekends and during major events. If she’s asking for help, I need to go.” As if sensing my frustration, Solia drops her shoulders, and her level of disappointment seems equal to mine. This woman has set my world off its axis.

I loosen my grip and lower her to the ground. My lips meet her forehead and I kiss her gently. There is no doubt I have to see this woman again. Leaving it to fate is not something I will risk. “Are you free later on to grab ice cream or something downtown?”
