Page 14 of 183 Reasons

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“The dump or taking your trash to the dump?”

“Both, actually. But I’ll survive.”

“They sell nose plugs at Small Mart,” I say as I reach for her hand.

“Seriously, it’s dreadful.”

We leave the other two fudge pieces in the box and stroll back in the direction of the truck. “I’m glad we got together tonight. I wasn’t expecting this,” she says.

“What do you mean?”

“Meeting someone wasn’t on my radar. I haven’t had the best luck lately, and honestly, I’d pretty much crossed men out of the picture for a bit.”

“Ouch.” I lift my fist to my chest. “That doesn’t sound good.”

Laughing at my dramatic response, she takes my fist, uncoils my fingers, and folds her hand into mine. “I said for a bit, not forever. I don’t blame every man for the losers I wasted time on.” Her hand squeezes mine. “I’m happy I ran into you, as awkward as it may have been.”

“I’d call it memorable and inspiring,” I say, coughing to hide my laughter.

“Go ahead and laugh. It was pretty damn funny. I never thought someone would show up, and I’m in the middle of nowhere. I die inside every time I picture how ridiculous I must have looked.”

“I wouldn’t use the wordridiculous…sexy,hot—those words come to mind. Do you want me to continue? Sorry, but I’m not unhappy I got tickets to the show.” I crack up. She teasingly bumps her shoulder into my side.

“Let’s go, farmer boy. You have an early morning tomorrow, right?”

“Sure do. Up with the roosters.” I open the passenger door for her and head to the driver’s side.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met a real-life farmer.” She shifts sideways in her seat and stares at my profile.

“You make us sound like such an enigma. I’m sure you have and didn’t know. We’re chameleons. We blend in sometimes.”

“Possibly, but I’m sure they weren’t as handsome as you,” she says, and I grin. If I’m being honest with myself, I want her to want me. Meeting Solia has been anything but ordinary, and I want to see her again.

“Are you free on Saturday?” I ask.

“What do you have in mind?”

“If you’re free, I’ll think of something.”

“Well then, I’m free. Surprise me. Actually, showing up at the cabin unexpectedly the other day was slightly embarrassing, so at least tell me what time.”

“How’s eleven a.m.?” I love how playful she is. A woman who can take a joke as well as dish one out turns me on.

We pull into her driveway, and I’m thankful for high beams. The cabin is in complete darkness, the only lights the stars in the sky. “This is a beautiful spot you have. It’s so quiet, so peaceful. You must love it.”

“I do. It’s too special to lose. I wish I would remember to flip a few switches before leaving. Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my. No doubt creatures lurk in the shadows.”

“Come on, I’ll walk with you. I’ll leave my truck running so the lights stay on.” I open her door and reach for her hand. “I had a great time tonight.”

Her head swivels left to right with each step as we ascend the long front staircase. She peers deep into the woods. “I did too,” she says as she opens her door and reaches in. Inside and out, the house illuminates, and Solia takes a deep breath. “That’s better.” She giggles. “Thanks for the escort. The night creatures stayed put.”

“Good, I’m glad.” I lean in and gently kiss her cheek. “See you soon?”

She hesitates and looks at the front door, slightly ajar. “Yes, soon. Wait! The fudge!”

“Right, hang on.” I run down the stairs, grab the box out of the truck, and double-step it back toward Solia. “You can have these.”

“No way, we agreed to share.” She opens the box, hands me the white chocolate, and takes the dark chocolate. “Ready?” We each take a bite and then feed each other the remainder. With one hand on the screen door, I am heedful of her eyes concentrating on mine. Her front teeth bite her bottom lip and a slight smile forms. If she’s trying to tease me, she’s doing a hell of a job. Every fiber of my being wants to scoop her up and carry her inside.
