Page 25 of 183 Reasons

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“Wow, trashy reality shows? That isn’t what I expected.” Jackson leans on his side toward me and rests on his right elbow.

I playfully push his left shoulder to return him to his previous position. “Seriously? That’s what stood out the most?”

Pulling himself back up, Jackson hovers closer. “Yes, Solia, I would definitely swipe right. We have a lot in common.”

“Well, your turn. Bio, please?”

Jackson’s laugh melts me. The level of comfort and ease this man exudes is completely mind-boggling.

He repositions himself on his back and closes his eyes. I take this opportunity to lean on my side, facing him to get a closer look. God, he is beautiful.

“My birthday is August 27. What sign does that make me?”

“Jackson, you don’t have to copy mine!” I laugh so hard, my stomach hurts. I can tell he is thinking this through.

“I’ll just pull up my current profile and you can read it.” Jackson grabs his phone out of his pocket.

The balloon holding my hopes that Jackson is one of the good ones pops.Great, a prolific dater. What am I thinking? This isn’t just sitting in the woods waiting for me. He probably has dates lined up every weekend. My past has taught me better than this.

I shift on my towel and look at the passing clouds. Jackson seems to notice my change in demeanor because the next second, instead of admiring the sky, I’m mere inches from his lips as he planks over me, muscles bulging. He rises and places one knee on each side of my thighs, his hands on either side of my head as he holds himself over me.

Although none of our body parts are touching, his muscular frame blocks the sun, and heat washes over me from my head all the way between my legs. The tingling sensation is almost too much to bear. Seemingly reading my mind again, he flashes me a playful grin and I completely forget what I was worried about.

“If you think for a second that I have a bio out there, I do not. Not that I have anything against dating apps, but I’m just not of this decade, I guess. I wouldn’t even know where to begin, nor am I interested. But if I had a bio, I guess mine would say Virgo, right? Farmer, loves nature, eats fairly healthy—most of the time. If I watch TV, it’s sports. I’ve had the same three, four, best friends my whole life. Also, a devout grandson. Would that be sexy to add?”

“Oh, definitely. I am definitely swiping right. What about—”

Before I can say another word, Jackson’s soft, full lips are on mine. He lowers himself closer to my body while his tongue explores my mouth. He lets out a small groan, and it takes everything in me not to come completely undone. Can he sense how desperate I am for his touch? He gently pulls back and grazes his teeth on my bottom lip before lifting and returning himself to his towel.

We lie in silence for a few moments. I try to regain a normal breathing pattern and take in the private, natural oasis surrounding me and this beautiful man. This is more than I’d bargained for and certainly not why I moved here, but the magnetic pull toward Jackson is indescribable. I can hear Mia in my mind sayingEnjoy it, Solia, don’t overthink, take it one breath at a time.I don’t often tell Mia when she’s right, but this time, she is.

“What do you say we get in the water and cool off?” He reaches for my hands and helps me to my feet.

“Absolutely.” I watch as he walks to the edge of the rock platform. “Where are you going? Don’t we get in there?” I point, cautiously step forward, lean, and look over the ledge.

“Well, that’s the easy way. If you want to be a local, you need to get in this way.”

His finger extends over the rock, pointing over the cliff toward the water below. He’s implying we should jump.

“Are you serious? How deep is that water? How can you be sure it’s safe?” I rattle off questions faster than the water flows through the chasm.

“First, yes, I’m serious. Second, the water is over forty feet deep. Third, it’s safe because I’ve jumped countless times before. See that rock across the way?” Jackson points to a rock half underwater. “Most of the time, the water level is below that rock. The water level varies from season to season, depending on rain- and snowfall, and because the water is covering half of that rock, it tells me it’s even deeper than usual. Are you game?”

My nerves are frayed and my mind reels. Jumping off cliffs is not a recreational activity of mine. Never mind jumping into a chasm with rock walls on both sides! I’ll swim, paddleboard, hike, ski, but cliff jumping? Yikes.

“Do you trust me?”

How do I answer that? Yes, I trust him. Why? I don’t know, I just do. My gut is always right. I can trust him.“Yes.” I gaze up at Jackson.

He extends his hand back for me to hold, and I walk directly behind him, not wanting too much space between us. “See that circular pool directly below? That is where we jump. It appears higher than it is, but it’s not too bad. From experience, the most shocking part is usually how cold the water is. There’s no way around that other than to test the water first, but that tends to backfire and people chicken out.”

Jackson strokes the back of my hand with his thumb, making soft circles that calm my nerves. Without a word, I lean over and see the spot he’s referring to.I can do this.

“You don’t have to. No pressure. But if you decide to jump, you might love it. I’ll go first so you can see where I land. Watch when I come up—I’ll swim to the left and rest on the rock right over there. See the one that’s partially above the water? I’ll stay right there so when you jump, you can swim to me.”

Taking a deep breath, I center my emotions by looking at my surroundings and summon the courage to experience a moment I’ve been seeking—spontaneous and exciting, the opposite of the usual events in my life. Without hesitating or giving myself the chance to back out, I tilt my head. “Let’s do it!”

“Now we’re talking!” Jackson gives me a gentle squeeze of reassurance and releases my hand. He takes two steps forward and stands at the edge of the rock jutting out over the chasm. Running his hands through his hair, he looks back at me and winks. “Ready? Three! Two! One!” Leaping into the air, showcasing his sexy, defined back muscles, he drops over the edge.
