Page 76 of 183 Reasons

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I torture myself late into the evening, despite trying to focus on packing the rest of my condo. The rain continues at a steady pace, and a larger storm seems to be developing as I hear claps of thunder echoing over the mountain ridges. Makes me remember the nights I’d sit on the front porch with my grandfather and count the seconds between the thunder and lightning strikes. He’d tell me every second in between was equal to how many miles away the storm was.

I don’t know to this day whether that’s true, but whatever my grandfather says is a fact in my book. So tonight, I reminisce about those nights, wondering if he remembers them, too, and the next thing I know, I’m counting the seconds.

In bed, I roll over and continue to listen to the hypnotic rain. Looking at the moon struggling to be seen between the bursts of clouds, I find it more and more difficult to get Solia out of my mind.Is she listening to the same raindrops? Is she scared in the cabin alone?

Screw it.


I know it’s late, but I wanted to make sure you’re OK. The storm is pretty intense.


I was thinking I wouldn’t hear from you again. I’m OK. I love storms. It’s magical to be surrounded by woods, hear the rain splash through the leaves. You should see the mountain ridge each time the lightning strikes. Unbelievable.

I wish I was there with you. It’s been difficult not to text, but I’m trying to protect you.

Protect me?

Not protect. Maybe that isn’t the correct word, but stop myself from falling for you any harder than I have, just to leave you in the end …

Which means you’ve already fallen for me?!

Solia, you must realize that. It’s just this place and the timing …

I can’t stop thinking about you.

You have no idea.

Trust me, I do.

You deserve a man better than me. You deserve an equal, someone who isn’t weighed down.

Jackson, I wish you understood you are enough. I came here with love last on the list, and somehow you appeared. Maybe the sooner you realize things happen for a reason, the better. See you tomorrow at the meeting. Four?

Yes, four.

K, I’m going to squeeze in a paddle and then I’ll be there.

Enjoy. Hopefully the skies clear for you. Good night, Solia.

Night. ??

The storm rages on. I’m painfully aware of every rumble and flash because my eyes are pinned to the ceiling as I lose myself in thoughts of Solia and what could be between us. I’m in love with her, but my feet are walking away. This woman has shifted my world, and knowing she is lying in bed five minutes down the road constricts the vessels to my heart.

My lids grow heavy and I drift to sleep around four a.m.

* * *

When I startle awake, it’s still dark and the rain pours relentlessly. I tap my phone on my bedside table and the screen illuminates, displaying eight a.m. I haven’t slept this late in as long as I can remember. I never set an alarm because my internal clock is usually foolproof. In the little time I slept, dreams of happiness filled my mind instead of my recurring nightmare … thanks to Solia.

Rain boots and mud puddles complicate most of my work throughout the day on the farm. The sun finally breaks through around two. Heat sizzles the ground and shallow puddles evaporate. The air becomes thick and suffocating from the gradual rise in temperature and humidity, and I’m exhausted. The meeting is in one hour, and I’m so filthy, I could convince people I wrestled in a mud pit. A long shower is calling my name.


I’ll get the lovebirds and bring them to the meeting.

