Page 44 of Legion of Kings

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“Before you do something stupid like fall in love.”

“Before I dowhat?” I laughed, holding my stomach. “I don’t fall in love. The fuck you think this is, Pretty Boy?”

“Oh yeah? Good. Because I know how it is when you find a bitch with bomb-ass pussy and you can’t stay away. Juju must have that wet-wet, huh? Came all over your fingers? Those types of bitches are the best. She looked bad as fuck in that dress too…” He didn’t get another word out before I had him hemmed up against the bedroom door, ready to rain fire down on him.

“Exactly.” Pretty Boy huffed, shoving me off him. “You’re already gone over her, King.” His words sank into my mind. I was fuming because of what he said about Jupiter.

“Exactly nothing. It’s disrespectful to talk about another man’s…”

“Another man’swhat, King? Another man’swoman?” He tipped his head to the side and watched me.

“She’s not my woman.”

“Yet. Not yet. She fits you too well. You keep fighting this shit but just know if you bring her in and we back you, then you end up being with her? It’s going to make us vulnerable. Everybody is going to know where to hit you so it hurts. Juju could take a headshot right now and it would crush you. You’d fly off in a fucking rage and try to murder everything in LA.”

“No, I wouldn’t.” The thought of Jupiter getting killed shook me, even though I’d never say it out loud. Just that fast, she’d worked her way into my head. Into my thoughts and feelings.


“You’re lying to me, King. You know we don’t do that.”

He was right.

Pretty Boy was doing what he did best…being logical. He was always the sound one. I was a calculated hot head, Sumo was reckless and crazy, and Truck was usually the friendly one unless we needed to bust heads.

“You’re feeling her hard as shit and she’s feeling you too,” he pointed out.

“She’s a good fit for the Legion of Kings. My dick and my head know how to operate independently.”

“I don’t doubt it. You need to know that I can see through the front both y'all have up though. Now, see, the difference between me and Sumo is, I’m not going to trip. I trust your judgment.” The tense energy between me and Pretty Boy calmed down significantly once he proved his point. I had no choice but to respect it. He laid it out in my face.

Jupiter had me open.

It wasn’t love but it was…something.

“Thank you,” I sighed. “I have the feeling she’d fuck shit up when she needed to, plus she’s smart. I want to take the Legion of Kings to the next level. I want us to be more sophisticated. It’s time to stop acting like teenagers in these streets and start acting like grown men who should be feared.”

Pretty Boy slapped hands with me and said, “We are Legion and we are many.”

“Hell yeah. King shit.” I let out a laugh. “Man, I was about to fuck you up over that shit you said about Ju. Watch your mouth in the future.”

“Juju is bad but all of us know she’s off-limits.”

She was fucking off-limits. I wasn’t claiming her as mine but I’d already touched her. Already felt her. Fucked her.

Breaking away the rest of the tension in the room, I said, “Listen, I need you to pull an address for me. I have Juju’s kill lined up.”

“Already? She hasn’t been officially voted in. Truck and Sumo need to observe her. You’ve observed her enough.” He shot me a look and I flipped him off.

“I know but this can’t wait. Plus, I want to see what she’s made out of. She talks a lot of shit but now I need to see how willing to kill she is.”

“Who we got?” Pretty Boy fell into his chair and spun around to face the three-monitor set up. He was like a captain at the helm.

“Some asshole named Stan…” I realized I never got his last name. I opened the door and called Jupiter into Pretty Boy’s room. Truck followed behind her like a puppy.

“I should have known your room would be immaculate. Pretty ass,” Juju remarked as she walked into the pristine room.

“I like to keep my shit clean,” he frowned.
