Page 30 of City of Gods

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He rubbed and stroked it slowly while his thrusts inside of me were hard and unforgiving. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop the loud wail begging to break free from my mouth. In seconds, Bakari had me coming…and going…and flying and whatever the fuck else he wanted. I was putty.

When I thought my legs would give out from the incessant trembling, his strong hand held me in place. He slowed down so I could squeeze and milk him. I loved listening to the quiet groans he made with each measured stroke. He sounded like he was in his favorite place. Like a man who’d found the most comfortable spot in the world.

His hips rolled against me, feeding me more dick and I gasped. When I could put weight on my legs again, his hand slid up to my throat but he didn’t choke me. He held his fingers on either side of my neck then picked his pace up.

Was this nigga checking my pulse?

I didn’t have time to inquire because he pulled out, leaving me empty. I didn’t even realize I was pouting until my temples throbbed from the fixed expression.

When I turned around to look at him, I noticed he came all over his own hands. The white against the deep espresso tone of his skin was beautiful. It stole my words and attention.

“I didn’t want to get you all messy,” he explained when he saw me looking at his hand. “It’s easier for me to wash my hands than it is for you to have to wash up.” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, and I smiled at the adorable expression on his face.

“That’s very considerate, Bakari.” I grabbed my panties off the arm of a nearby chair and wiggled into them. Bakari shrugged his shoulders and walked into a bathroom that I hadn’t noticed before. He played it off like nothing but the thought he put into that small action said a lot about him as a man.

Maybe I had him all wrong.

When he came out of the bathroom and we were both dressed again, he looked at me with raised eyebrows while he rubbed the back of his neck.

There was a question lingering in the air. I felt it, so he must have felt it too. He opened his mouth to speak but there was a loud crash outside of the office we were in. Bakari’s brows pulled down along with his full lips, morphed into an entirely different expression. Within seconds, we were both tumbling into the hallway to see what the fuck was going on.

“Bakari, front and center.” It was Dice’s voice. Bakari didn’t hesitate, he stepped back into the office momentarily and then emerged holding a pistol. I eyed him, shock registering all over my face.

“Not Mr. Non-Violent carrying a pistol,” I said as I took off behind him down the hall.

“Not now, Sanai.” Was I going to get butterflies every damn time that man said my name? If so, I didn’t want him to ever say my name again.

We slid onto another hallway, connecting the one we’d just left and we both surveyed the area. “Exam room 12,” Dice said on the watch as if he could see us searching for the ruckus. As we got closer, I made out the heavy sound of male voices in what sounded like a scuffle. Bakari approached the exam room first, motioning for me to stay behind him.

I didn’t have my pistol on me, but I had a taser in my pocket. It fit in better with my church girl façade than a 9mm.

Inside exam room 12, the patients that had been rolled in were holding Hakim, Maasai, and Dice at gunpoint with their backs to the open door.

Mistake number one for them.

I took out my taser and crept up beside Bakari. He turned to glance at me without lowering his weapon. Neither of us spoke. I knew from experience that if we didn’t act in the next three seconds, the men would sense us. Sometimes it took less than that for a person to feel a presence near them. Hopefully, the assholes squeezed in the room wielding Glocks were too charged with adrenaline to register us behind them.

Thankfully, Maasai, Hakim, and Dice never once gave our location away. I knew they saw us, there was no way they wouldn’t have. Their eyes remained trained on the attackers though.

Bakari wasted no time pulling the trigger. He moved fast, too, shooting three men execution-style in the back of the head within seconds of each other. So clearly, he wasn’t bullshitting about being trained to shoot.

All three bodies dropped where they stood, sending their guns clattering. Dice was the first to move. He grabbed two of the guns while Hakim grabbed the last one. Maasai aimed a look at Bakari then pushed out a breath. He took a long-legged step over the dead men at his feet and placed a heavy hand on Bakari’s shoulder.

“You okay?”

“I’m good.” Bakari shrugged his brother’s hand off and stepped back from the wreckage.

“Let me get this shit cleaned up. Then, we need to seriously talk about where to go from here,” Dice said. When footsteps rushed down the hall, I jumped into the open area, ready to cut whoever was running at us.

“Goddamn put the gun down,” Rob said, holding his hands up. I looked to my side and Bakari had his pistol raised and ready to fire. He was on edge. Killing wasn’t his lane.

When you killed someone, it changed something in you and if you weren’t cut out for it, then you could lose a part of yourself. Right now, the dust was still settling, and Bakari wasn’t calm yet. He needed to get somewhere quiet.

“My bad, Rob.” Bakari lowered his weapon and put the safety on. “Anyone try to attack you?”

“Nah. I heard the shots ring out over here, though and I finished up with my patient then ran to see what the fuck was going on. I didn’t want to use the watches in case y'all were hemmed up.”

“We were fucking hemmed up,” Hakim huffed. I recognized the fury in his eyes. He had it in him to be a killer. There was usually happiness and calm in his eyes, but right then, he was livid.
