Page 51 of City of Gods

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“You’re an asshole,” Kenya remarked, staring at me with all the hatred she could muster.

“I know.” I winked at her and I swore I saw steam shoot out of her ears. Sanai shot me a pleading look fringed with irritation that I smirked at.

“Fuck you.” Kenya flicked her hand at me dismissively.

“Nah. I got my eye on another Sinclair sister. But thank you for the offer, sweetheart.” I bowed my head and she rolled her eyes.

“Let’s go, Sanai.” Mr. Sinclair fussed, cutting through the exchange between me and Kenya.

“She’s staying here. Y'all have a good night.” I draped my arm around her and she stayed stuck to my side.

“You’re going to stay here with him? After he fought your brother and blatantly told you he wanted Mother dead?” Kenya was having a hard time processing.

“You know why? Because unlike your fucking snake-ass family, I’ve never lied to her. I’ve never hurt her on purpose and I damn sure have never manipulated her. I also never took love from the same mother who shunned her. So, maybe your sister has an issue with you and not with me because of that.”

“You’re so lucky I don’t have my gun on me.” Kenya stepped into my personal space but Sanai kept her at bay with a hand on her shoulder.

“Go home, Ken. You need to clear your head,” Sanai told her.

“If you need someone to help you clear your head, I’ll come,” Hakim laughed then winked at Kenya who flipped him off and stormed out of my house along with her father and brother. Zara lingered behind.

“You okay, Nai?” Zee asked, her voice softening when she spoke to her little sister.

“I’m good as long as I know I have you in my corner at least.” She left my side to wrap her arms around Zara.

“Of course. Nobody’s thrilled about having to handle Mother according to her own rules but what has to be done has to be done. This is a business and nothing comes before the business. Not even family. Those are her words verbatim.”

“You’re right. She always raised us with the understanding that we might have to kill one of our siblings or…”

“One of our parents. Ken and Eli are going to take some time to come around.” Zara sighed and tugged on one of Sanai’s springy curls.

“Well, that time to come around needs to be in the next twenty-four hours,” Maasai said gruffly. Zara’s eyes lingered on him for longer than necessary before she looked at me.

“You are an asshole, though. Ken was right about that.”

“Never said she was wrong. You think you can get your people in line, Zara?”

“I think so. We just need to have a family-only meeting without the goddamn Godwin brothers sitting across from us being smug as fuck.”

“Smug?” Maasai laughed at that one. “Nah, we’re not smug. We just know who runs Bellmore and we refuse to let anyone else think they have that spot. So we demand respect.”

“Like I said, Maasai Godwin,” she sharpened his name to a point with her tongue. “You and your brothers are smug, but I’ll get them on board.”

“Thank you, Zee. I love you so much, girl.” They embraced again and Zara kissed Sanai’s cheek before giving Maasai one last look on the way out the front door.

“So the youngest Sinclair got some heart, huh?” Hakim chuckled. “You might be alright, Sanai. I thought you were going to punk out when it came to your family.”

“I’m just trying to do what’s fair and follow protocols,” she told him.

“You’re trying to be a Godwin,” Hakim teased. I shook my head immediately, though. I refused to entertain any kind of talk like that. Yeah, Sanai was cool as fuck and she was helping me through the toughest night of my life but marriage?

Nah. Never.

After my brothers finally left, I retreated upstairs to my room with Sanai. Without words, we slipped into bed against cool sheets and under a warm blanket. I pulled her petite body against mine and breathed in the smell of her clean skin.

“Thank you for staying with me tonight. I know shit is weird.” I kissed the back of her neck and she wiggled in my arms.

“You know, somehow, I thought you were about to apologize for beating the fuck out of Eli.”
