Page 78 of City of Gods

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“Then I know the food is about to be bussin’.” Sanai rubbed her stomach and grinned at Lyric. “She used to get down in college. Had the entire hall smelling like a gourmet restaurant.”

“Yeah, well…I’ll be the judge of that,” Hakim grunted. Lyric looked at him, attitude scrawled across her pretty pecan skin.

“Hakim, shut the hell up. You’d eat a paper bag if someone put butter and salt on it,” Maasai fussed from behind us.

“Whatever,” Hakim quipped. “And, Ma, how come you let Maasai curse but you got on me? It’s always a double standard in this family.” Mom dragged Hakim’s big ass inside like she wasn’t half his height, fussing the entire time.

“What’s up, Sanai, Lyric?” Maasai nodded his head at both ladies and they smiled their hellos back at him.

“Lord, one thing about the Godwin brothers, y'all are all tall and fine,” Lyric said with a dreamy sigh. “Not you though, Breeze. Only because you look very taken.” She winked at Sanai who sighed and rolled her eyes.

“I’m not claiming him,” she mused.

“Not what you said last week, but that’s cool.” I shrugged and draped my arm around her shoulders. She wiggled away from me, folding her arms.

“You’re incapable of acting like you have some sense, huh, Bakari?”

“Only when you’re full of shit.” I smiled, sliding my hands into my coat pockets

“Which is never.”

“Which is all the fucking time, Sanai.” I shot her an incredulous look that she brushed off. Lyric looked between us then slid her full lips to the side.

“So, you sure y'all not together?” Lyric asked, hands on her round hips. Both Sanai and I were noticeably quiet. “O…kay.” Lyric raised her eyebrows then greeted the people behind us. “Go on in and find your seats. I just want a head count to make sure we have enough.”

Inside, Maasai, Hakim, Mom, Sanai, and I all sat at the table beside Mrs. Pierre and Rob’s immediate family. The entire seating arrangement had been changed to center Rob’s family then spiral outward in a circle so that everyone felt connected.

When the food started coming out and the drinks started flowing, conversations about Rob were plentiful. There were so many beautiful memories being shared that it was hard not to smile and laugh.

One story in particular about when Rob and I decided that we would enter a talent contest for bragging rights had Sanai crying with laughter. We were singing an Earth, Wind, and Fire song and Rob’s grandmother loaned me an afro wig that fell off halfway through the performance.

We all dabbed tears away from our eyes and held our aching stomachs. Laughter scraped the ceiling and shook the walls while everyone sang his praises. It was the exact kind of send-off my brother deserved.

By the time Sanai and I got back to my place, I was admittedly drunk. Luckily, she drove because there was no way in hell I could have. She put her slender arm around my waist, trying her best to keep me upright as I chuckled about stories from me and Rob’s past.

“What song did you guys sing again?” Sanai asked once we made it inside and up to my room. I was flat on my back in the bed, still wearing my suit when she’d asked. I cracked one eye open and watched her unzip her dress and wiggle out of it, putting those sexy, tight curves on display in a lacy black bra and matching panties.

I gripped my stiffening dick through my pants and grinned at her. “Love’s Holiday,” I answered before dropping my heavy head back onto the bed.

“If I play it, will you show me your dance?” She laughed and it was such a sweet sound it was like honey in my ears.

“Hell nah. You see how fucked up I am?”

“I know. I was trying to get a good laugh.” When I felt her standing between my legs, I opened my eyes again, staring at her. She bent over and pulled my shoes and socks off one at a time.

“You ain’t ‘bout to laugh at me, Sanai.” Her name was a melody on my tongue that I wanted to say over and over, so I did. I said her name until she was laughing like a crazy woman. “You have a beautiful name,” I admitted. “Suh-nye…” I dragged out the syllables with a lopsided grin on my face.

“So do you,” she said, unbuckling my pants and sliding them down.

“What’s up? Are you trying to get me naked and take advantage of me?”

“No, nigga,” she sighed. “I’m trying to get your drunk ass undressed so you can pass out comfortably.”

“Oh…damn. I kinda wanted you to take advantage of me.”

She cracked up laughing and shook her head, long ribbons of ebony tumbling over her shoulder while she leaned over me, unbuttoning my shirt. “I bet you did, nasty.” She rubbed against my dick and I lifted one side of my mouth in a smirk.

“You’re beautiful,” I told her when I sat up to take my arms out of my sleeves. “Nah, you’re fucking stunning. Your eyes look like cat eyes and you have the longest eyelashes. I could stare at you all day.” I tried to stop rambling, but the words kept coming. “I love the way you smell. You smell so damn good.” I traced the curve of her neck and she sucked in a quick breath. “Especially right here.” I pressed my thumb against the pulse of her throat. “But nothing is better than when your pussy is soaking wet because of me. When you’re so wet that you run down my chin. Goddamn. I could inhale you like a line of coke.” I wet my lips and looked into her eyes. Her lips were parted and her breathing came quicker and quicker.
