Page 10 of Really Poplar

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“What happened?”

I can’t let it go even though she’s uncomfortable with my question. I want to know what kind of dumbass she was married to. I need to know.

She shuffles the cards and then deals them out slowly, not really paying attention to what she’s doing. Her eyes are turned inwards, her full lips twisted into a straight line.

“I don’t know why he married me. I don’t think he liked one damn thing about me. I was too heavy, too smart, too annoying. I laughed too much and didn’t take anything seriously enough for him. I didn’t cook the right kind of food. Didn’t pander to his ego enough. Everything I did was wrong, and he took great pleasure in telling me what was wrong with me.”

I snort. “When did you tell him what the hell was wrong with him?”

Her eyes lift and one of her dark red brows wings upwards. “What was wrong with him?”

“Yeah. Like obviously he was a complete idiot. If I had a beautiful, smart woman like you, I would never do that to her. I’d make sure that she knew she was my queen. I’d spoil her day and night.”

Her eyes crinkle with amusement. “I should’ve married you.”

My heart knocks into my ribs. I wish she really meant that.

I turn away so she can’t see the wistful hope on my lined face. “I’m too old for a pretty thing like you.”

She grunts. “How old are you, Jude?”


“That’s not that old,” she demurs.

“I hate to argue with a pretty girl, but it is pretty damn old. Especially compared to you. How old are you?”


“Really? I thought you were a lot younger than that.”

I look up to find her grinning at me. “Yeah, I get that a lot. I think it’s because I’m short.”

“Please. It’s not cause you’re short. It’s cause you’re insanely cute. Like a little puppy or kitten.”

Her brow lifts again and she eyes me wryly.

“I’m a puppy?”

“Or a kitten. I didn’t say which.”

“Whoa. That’s not right. I don’t think I like to be called an animal even if it’s a cute one.”

The SAT phone rings, and I debate whether I should pick it up. In the end, I go ahead and grab it.

“Hey, man! The weather looks like it’s finally clearing. I’ll be up there to pick up your little guest tomorrow morning. Then you’ll be free and clear without anyone cluttering up your cabin.”

I want to tell him to shut the fuck up. But I don’t. Instead, my eyes dart over to look at her sitting there so quietly that she looks like she’s turned to stone.

“I’m sure she will be happy to get back home.” Her head sinks, the soft red curls almost wilting as I look at her.

But she says nothing as I talk to my friend for a few minutes more.

When I hang up, I smile at her, but any idiot could tell it’s forced. “Well, looks like you’re going home tomorrow.”

She nods but says nothing. Just stares at her hands idly shuffling the cards.

“We’ll have to make sure and get to bed early. Knowing my buddy, he’ll be here first thing in the morning.”
