Page 12 of Really Poplar

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I pull a crystal necklace from my side table and put it on. The rhodonite heart settles on my chest and immediately I feel calmer and more at peace. And hopeful.

I don’t know exactly what I’m hoping for, but I would like to see Jude again. I have a feeling that I’m going to miss his craggy face and gentle attitude.

I jump when there’s a loud banging at my door. So hard that it feels like the old house shakes with it.

That hope that I was looking for rises quickly and I jog quickly down the steps, almost tripping at the bottom.

But I can already tell that the shadow on the other side of the small window in the wooden door is not Jude. It’s too large.

I open the door slowly, almost certain that I know who it is and really not wanting to open it at all. But if I don’t, he’ll just keep knocking on the door.

“There you are, Treaty! Where the hell have you been the last few days? I’ve been trying to contact you and I’ve come by, and you weren’t here.”

“What the heck do you want, Julius. I’m tired and dirty and I want to take a bath in peace.”

“You didn’t tell me where you were.”

“And I’m not going to. We’re not married and it’s none of your damn business!” I start to close the door in his face, but he pushes his foot in between the doorjamb and the door.

For just a second, I seriously contemplate slamming the door shut on his foot anyway. I think he sees it in my eyes too because he pushes his way inside and closes it behind him.

Sighing, I cross my arms over my chest and tap my foot. “You’ve got one minute to say what you want and then get out or I’m calling the sheriff.”

His blond brows lift. “Because I want to talk?” That supercilious look hits his lips and my hands twitch with the urge to slap it right the hell off. “Don’t you think you’re being a little ridiculous? I just want to talk.”

I cut my hand through the air sharply. “Bullshit! You and I are divorced, thank God! I don’t need to talk to you. That’s one of the benefits of being divorced. I was really looking forward to that being the case.”

His weak mouth drops open and then he snaps it closed, before chuckling nervously.

“Don’t be silly. We can still be friends.”

I roll my eyes. “We weren’t even friends when we were married. We’re not going to be friends now.”

His eyes turn cold and hard. “I wish you wouldn’t say things like that, Treaty. I don’t like it.”

“I don’t care. Now. I think we’re done.” He opens his mouth, but I cut him off. “No.” I lift my phone and hold it up. “I’m going to place that call if you aren’t out of here in the next minute.”

He glares at me but then opens and slams the door closed behind him. His car backs out and he slams the gas pedal down, scattering dirt everywhere as he tears out of the drive.

My shoulders fall and I wish to God that Jude was here. He wouldn’t let Julius talk to me like that.

A smile quirks my lips. Then again, I took care of him pretty good this time.

I drag my tired ass up the stairs and into my large bathroom. The doctor put a waterproof bandage on so that I can go ahead and take a quick shower. Because I told him if I don’t get to wash up, I’m going to go crazy. I feel dirty and tired. So I take off my clothes and climb in my outdated shower, groaning when I feel the hot water hit my sore muscles.

Taking a quick shower is not what I want to do but in about five minutes I get my hair and body washed and then clamber out to dry off.

Padding barefoot into my bedroom wrapped in my big, fluffy navy towel, I open a dresser drawer and pull out a pair of soft, light blue sleep shorts and a matching t-shirt that says, ‘crystal magic makes me happy.’

I brush out my hair and attempt to braid the heavy mass of flyaway light red curls. Then I don’t even bother turning on the light beside the bed, I just put my head on the pillow, cover myself with my quilt and drift off to sleep.



The farmer’smarket is held in the open area next to the Starry Night Café. I step inside the café before I go to open my booth to get a latte coffee because I’m exhausted. The last three nights have been brutal. Every night I get woken up by some loud noises on the property but when I take my baseball bat to go check it out, there’s nothing there.

Wilfred stands behind the counter smiling at me. “Treaty Tucker! I heard you had some excitement on the mountain and met the ranger. How are you doing?”
