Page 15 of Really Poplar

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“I get the feeling that’s a no. But Julius has talked to them and he hasn’t mentioned the fact that he’s divorced so they think he has negotiating rights. Even though the land is hers.”

“Okay. I had a feeling it was something like that. And he’s either looking for something at night or he’s trying to scare her off the land by screwing around out there.”

“Shit. Always knew Julius was a dickhead but this really puts the exclamation point on that.”

“Thanks for checking this out for me.”

I hang up the phone and check on my woman. Yeah, I decided after she left that she was my woman. And nobody, but nobody fucking messes with something of mine. Especially not my fucking woman. I will kill that mother fucker if he harms a hair on her head.

I’m gonna guess that she doesn’t want to give up any rights to her land and I’m also guessing that Julius the Jerk knows that. I’m not really sure how he’s gonna make money on this deal but I’d bet the farm that he has it worked out somehow.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a movement and lurking over to her left is the asshole in question.

Then I see him move out and I’m torn. What should I do? Follow him or keep an eye on her?

When I see him get in a car, I need to follow him although I take one last look at Treaty. She’s smiling at someone and showing them a pair of crystal earrings that she’s telling them all about if I know her at all.

The woman isn’t overly shy. At least not when it comes to her work. I’ve watched her for a long time and when she talks about her work, her pale blue eyes sparkle with excitement and she almost buzzes with it.

Then I turn to my truck and hop in, following discreetly behind the jerk.

He heads out of town towards Sunset Canyon and after half an hour, stops and meets a couple of slick guys that I’m sure are oil reps for the company that wants the mineral rights for Treaty’s land. The overwhelming urge to break in on their meeting and out the son of a bitch is damn strong but I don’t bother. I’ll get to them soon enough. They’re still talking but when I check the time I see that I’ve only got about forty-five minutes before I’m supposed to meet Treaty for lunch so I carefully back out to make sure that nobody spots me.

Then I drive back to Black Timber Peak and debate whether or not I should let Treaty know about it. But if I tell her that I think her night visitor is him then she might head on out there and try to confront him. I don’t trust him… number one. And number two, I can’t be positive until I see him with my own eyes that it’s him. What if it’s not and she confronts someone else.

I pull up at the parking by the farmer’s market and smile when I see my girl packing her stuff back up in her little car. I’m gonna need to get her a new vehicle if she’s coming to live with me. That little car doesn’t belong anywhere near a mountain.

She smiles when I walk up to her. “You wanna walk over to Jackson’s Sticky Ribs? I haven’t had their ribs in a long time.”

I help her throw the last of her things in her car and lock it up. “Absolutely.”

I hold out a hand to her when we start walking and after eyeing it like it’s a rattler, she takes it and sighs. Electricity sizzles along my nerve endings in my hand and she smiles widely. “Thank you so much for coming to town to see me.”

“Don’t worry about it, angel. I will always come find you.”

She shoots me a wary look. “What does that mean?”

I dodge her question. “How did it go today?”

“Really good. Sold almost everything so I’ll have to do a bunch more work to come back.”

“That’s great. I’m surprised.”

Her lips quirk and she gives me a wry look. “Because you think a lot of people don’t like crystals?”

I shake my head and chuckle. “No. Because it’s a small town and who knew you could do so well at a little farmer’s market. I’ve seen your stuff and it’s beautiful.”

She ducks her head and her cheeks flush. “Thank you. It’s nice of you to say.”

Guffawing, I throw my head back. “Angel, if there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I am not nice. I’m truthful, yes. But not nice.”

Her hand twitches in mine and she giggles. “Yeah, that’s probably true.”

Her hand twitches again and I turn to look at her. “What’s up, angel?”

“Nothing. I’m just a little tired.”

“You haven’t been sleeping well?” I want to ask her about her nocturnal visitor, but I intend to stake out her place tonight to catch the little fucker in the act and I don’t want her to argue with me about it or have to tell her who I think it is.
