Page 4 of Really Poplar

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When I tap it with my finger, I see that it is indeed blood. And it almost looks like a finger mark.

Glancing down, I see a disturbance in the snow around the tree. It’s not enough to see as a footprint because the snow’s been coming down steadily. When I squat down to study it, I can see that there’s more of those disturbances heading higher up the mountain. My heart sinks. Why the hell is she heading upwards?

I stand and follow the disturbed path, hoping that I catch up with her quickly. As she gets further into the heavier trees, it’s going to be even harder to spot her.

Another hour later and a triumphant smile tilts my lips. The snow has slowed a bit and now the disturbance is revealed as a track. A very tiny track that has to be a woman.

I move quickly, knowing that I must be getting close. The disturbance in the snow is quickly becoming a recognizable outline of a footprint.

“Treaty! Are you out here? I’m here to help you. It’s Ranger Hartley!”

Over and over, I repeat the same phrase, waiting, my head cocked.

A snap ahead of me has my head whipping up. A soft voice calls, her voice raspy, like she’s been hollering for a long time.

“Hello? Is someone there?”

I charge forward, not even watching where I’m walking. It’s dumb as hell and I should know better but I do it anyway. Because I see her slight figure bundled up in a soft pink parka ahead of me and I see the dark patch on it.

“Shit, shit, shit!” I reach her just as her eyes roll back in her head and she drops. Before she can hit the ground, I catch her and sling her up bridal-style.

I need to know how bad she is and what’s wrong, but the only thing I’m focusing on right now is getting her home.

My home. And maybe one of these days, her home as well.



I’m so dang cold.I can’t even feel my toes. There’s a rush of air past my ears and then the air disappears, and I feel warmer, and my freezing face is cradled against something soft. I slip into sleep again. The bed that I’m sleeping on keeps on moving and it smells so good. Manly and spicy. Clean and warm. The warmth coming off the bed is like a furnace, and I curl into it, moaning.

“It’s alright, little angel. I’ve got you. Nothing’s gonna happen to you. You’re safe.”

My brow wrinkles and I want to open my eyes and see who is talking to me. His voice is deep and rough, raspy. But soothing. I relax into the bed until I happen to think, who’s in my bed?

I gasp and open my eyes, startled, when I see that I’m being carried in a rough man’s arms. He’s got shoulder-length dark hair that sticks out under his cap with the ear flaps on it that is the one rangers wear. He’s also got a ranger parka on and my lips curl up into a smile. “Hello, Ranger.”

He smiles down at me but there’s still a wary, worried look in his eyes that crinkles my brow again.

I glance around and my eyes widen when I see that we’re outside and it’s dark. There’s a portable lamp over his arm, lighting his way. I can barely see the shape of his face, the glitter of his eyes in the dim light.

“Wh— who are you?” I ask.

“Ranger Hartley,” he says curtly, his voice almost carried away on the wind.

“Oh… ummm. Where am I?”

His eyes widen. “You don’t remember?”

“I–I–I’m not sure. I don’t… I don’t remember.” My throat feels tight and my body tenses.

“Easy, easy, angel. You’ll remember. You just need to get warm and comfortable and then I know you’ll remember all of these things. You do know who you are, right?”

“Treaty. Treaty Tucker.”

A smile creases his cheek, and the damn dimple hypnotizes me. “That’s right, angel. Your name is Treaty.”

“What is your name?”
