Page 101 of Daddies' Captive

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“He just wants to fire me so then he can spank me before he rehires me,” she told him.

“I’m sure that’s not what he’s thinking,” Grady said.

“Of course that’s what I’m thinking,” Steele said.

Good Lord.

He glared over at Steele, who gave him an unrepentant look back. His best friend was a man who was used to getting his own way and unapologetic about it.

“He’s not going to do that.”

She gave him a doubtful look.

Yeah, he shared those doubts. Most of the time, he was able to predict the other man’s actions and thoughts. But right now, that was difficult. Because Steele didn’t seem to have any issues changing things up with Effie.

“Just stick to the rules and we won’t have to worry about consequences, all right?” Grady said.

“Yes, I suppose.” She looked doubtful, though. Reaching up, she tugged at her earring.

Without thought, he grabbed her hand and gently drew it away.

She gave him a surprised look. Yeah, he was shocked himself. He didn’t usually initiate touch like that.

Clearing his throat, he stepped back and adjusted his clothing, making sure they were straight and unwrinkled. He hated looking unkempt.

“We’ll leave you to get on with work.” Turning, he moved to the door and unlocked it.

Opening the door, he realized that Steele wasn’t right behind him. Spinning, he saw him reach into his pocket and pull out a packet of jelly beans.

He held them out to Effie, who stared down at them like they held the secrets of the world.

“For me?”

“For you. However, you’re not to eat them all at once, understand?”

“That doesn’t seem very much fun.” Another pout.


“Effie,” Steele said sternly.

“Oh, fine. I like the blue and white ones best so I’ll just eat them. Thank you.” She took them, staring up at Steele with wonder.

Grady could tell the other man was taken aback. He probably hadn’t expected that reaction over a bag of jelly beans.

But he recovered quickly. “Drink some water too. And no working late.” Then he turned and walked toward Grady. “Let’s go. There’s work to be done.”

Grady followed him out, resisting the urge to look behind him at Effie.

Steele led him through the club, where, surprisingly, no one attempted to get his attention.

In fact . . . in the last few weeks, he’d barely had to answer any questions about the club. His time had been freed up.

Those complaints and issues hadn’t gone away . . . but he knew who was now fielding them.

That’s her job.

Yeah . . . but it could be a lot. Had he even checked in to make sure she was coping all right?
