Page 149 of Daddies' Captive

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One of her previous lovers had tried to give her what she wanted in bed. But the other three had been kind of horrified. And she’d learned never to mention it again. And it wasn’t like she’d had any sex in the last seven years.

Not since Joe died.

So maybe she wouldn’t really be into that. She could only do it with someone she fully trusted anyway. So getting to where she was comfortable with being restrained . . . yeah, that took a bit.

And needless to say, she’d never mentioned the fact that she was a Little to any of them. That she liked to regress. That she enjoyed having someone look after her in pretty much all ways.

Only one person had ever given her a safe space to be herself.

And he was dead.

He was also the only man she’d ever loved. And he’d never known exactly how she’d felt about him.

And fuck, that still hurt.

“Effie? Have we lost you again?” Grady asked.

“Um, yeah, sorry.” She smiled at them both. “Red velvet with cream cheese, I can do that. So if there’s nothing else, I’ll let you both get on with your day.”

They didn’t move.

Big surprise there.

Grady stood and got in her way. She swallowed heavily at the intense look on his face.

“These windows are so fucking old, you’re losing heat constantly.”

She glanced over at Steele. “What?”

“Place is falling down.”

“No, it’s not. It’s fine.”

Steele shot her a gaze. “Even you can’t Pollyanna this place, baby.”

Pollyanna this place?

“What does that mean?”

“Means you’ve got a habit of trying to make the best out of a bad situation. You look for the positive in everything.”

“Is that bad?”

“Nope.” Steele shook his head. “Not as long as you have someone who’ll protect you if shit does go bad. Who’ll make sure that no one takes advantage of your sweetness.”

“Um, I don’t really have that.”

“You do now.”

Holy. Crap. What was happening right now?


Grady stared down at Effie for a long moment.

He could tell she was freaking out. And he needed to do something to help her not freak out. But the problem was reassuring freaked out women wasn’t a skill he really had.

“We’re taking you for lunch,” Grady stated.
