Page 154 of Daddies' Captive

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“Forget I said that. Sorry, it was rude.”

All of a sudden, Steele’s laughter filled the cab of the truck. Grady glared at him. Crap, she needed a change of subject. But only one thing popped into her head.

“So, I, um, never did thank you for taking me home last night and putting me to bed. And, uh, Brooks said you had someone watching over the apartment all night? That’s, uh, really sweet of you guys, but totally unnecessary.”

They were silent and she saw them glance at one another. They did that a lot. Had these silent conversations.

“First, we’re going to have a talk over lunch,” Steele told her. “And part of that chat is going to be about you disobeying us and working longer hours than you are allowed to.”

Allowed to?

Dear. Lord.

“Part of that chat is also going to be about your protection and how that’s going to play out,” he added.

“What do you mean, how it’s going to play out?” she asked.

“It means that things might need to change a bit,” Grady said. “We don’t like your neighborhood or your apartment. We’ve made some safety changes, but if you insist on staying there, we need to make more.”

“What? What changes? And why wouldn’t I insist on living there? I have nowhere else to live.”

“Sure, you do,” Steele continued. “Eventually, you’ll move in with us. Sooner rather than later, I’m thinking.”


Was this a dream?

It had to be, right? Because Steele had not just said what she thought he’d said.

Eventually, you’ll move in with us.

That had her more than a bit freaked out.

This was nuts.

More nuts than her usual nuts. Which was saying something.

“She’s gone silent. That’s not a good sign,” Grady said.

“We need to get her out of her head.”


“I’m not in my head.”

“Baby, you’re totally in your head,” Steele replied. “Perhaps, you should have ridden in the back with her. Kept her from overthinking.”

“How would he have done that?” she asked curiously. Because she’d tried a lot of things. None of them worked.

“Well, I’d do it by kissing you,” Steele said. “Not sure what Grady would do.”

She couldn’t breathe. Was he . . . was he serious?

She barely noticed him parking in front of a diner.

“I’m not . . . I don’t understand what’s happening,” she whispered.

“I’m just going to lay it out there as we both like honesty,” Steele said.
